RFP Out for Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant

Oct. 22, 2014

The U.S. EPA will select a grantee to manage the Healthy Watershed Consortium Grant Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting proposals for the management of the Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant. The purpose of the grant is to accelerate and expand the strategic protection of healthy freshwater ecosystems and their watersheds across the country. EPA expects to issue a cooperative agreement to fund a single grantee to manage the Healthy Watersheds Consortium grant program and issue subawards on a competitive basis.

Eligible applicants for this RFP are non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, interstate agencies and inter-tribal consortia which are capable of undertaking activities that advance healthy watershed programs on a national basis.

Eligible entities for the subawards include public and private nonprofit institutions / organizations, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, states, local governments, U.S. territories or possessions, and interstate agencies. Anticipated federal funding under the competition is approximately $3.75 million over six years. Proposals are due Jan. 5, 2015 and the application can be found online.

Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant Proposal Deadlines:

Information Session / Webinar
(Check back at a later time for more information)

Nov. 13, 2014

Last day to submit questions about RFP

Dec. 4, 2014

Deadline for receipt of proposal in hard copy or electronically      

Jan. 5, 2015

Source: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency