WaterTAP’s CEO Joins ACQUEAU’s Scientific Committee

April 17, 2014

TORONTO, ONTARIO — WaterTAP is pleased to announce that its CEO, Dr. Brian Mergelas, has been invited to participate in ACQUEAU’s Scientific Committee. As one of seven clusters in the EUREKA network, Brussels-based ACQUEAU is the world’s first water cluster dedicated to financing water innovations. The cluster supports near water-market projects, in order to facilitate the development of innovative products, processes and systems in the water sector.

“ACQUEAU is very pleased to welcome Dr. Mergelas to the Scientific Committee, where his knowledge and experience will add to the pool of expertise that ACQUEAU uses to evaluate proposals,” said Xavier Chazelle, ACQUEAU’s Chair. “The Scientific Committee is comprised of leading researchers in the water sector who spend time to evaluate projects and advise project teams on their proposals. Being based in Canada and understanding the North American water sector, Brian will bring new dimensions to the Scientific Committee. His scientific knowledge will be a valuable addition to the Committee. 

“I’m honoured to be invited to contribute to the organization and look forward to collaborating with peers from across the globe,” said Dr. Mergelas. “Promoting transnational collaboration with water technologies is one of WaterTAP’s aims.”

ACQUEAU’s Scientific Committee includes members from the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Turkey, France, Germany, Spain, and Austria.

To learn more about ACQUEAU, visit www.acqueau.eu.

To learn more about EUREKA, visit www.eurekanetwork.org.                  

About WaterTAP Ontario
The Water Technology Acceleration Project (@WaterTAP) was established in 2010 by the Government of Ontario. It brings private sector experience and guidance to helping water industry entrepreneurs access the resources they need to successfully commercialize their products and services and grow their businesses. WaterTAP’s brand promise is: Water technology thrives here. 

About the Ontario Water Technology Sector
Ontario is Canada’s financial and industrial centre, a thriving world water technology hub and an established gateway to North and South American markets. Ontario regularly plays host to public and private sector water interests from countries across the world. Ontario is home to more than 900 water technology companies, supported by over 200 research centres, incubators, accelerators and programs that encourage innovative water and wastewater technologies and services. Ontario contains or borders on about one-fifth of the world’s fresh water. Several of its water sector technology clusters, including membrane filtration and ultraviolet disinfection, are world leaders.

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Microplastics that were fragmented from larger plastics are called secondary microplastics; they are known as primary microplastics if they originate from small size produced industrial beads, care products or textile fibers.