Are You Ready for ACE12 in Dallas?

March 29, 2012

Registration is now open for this year’s AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE12), where attendees will choose from more than 100 sessions presented by 400 water professionals, exchange ideas with their peers at eight workshops, and hear from seven keynote speakers, including NFL hall of famer Emmitt Smith. The conference is slated for June 10–14 at the Dallas Convention Center.

Other keynoters include Brian Fagan, author of Elixir: Humans and the History of Water; Richard B. Holmes, deputy general manager of engineering/operations for the Southern Nevada Water Authority and Las Vegas Valley Water District; and J. Kevin Ward, general manager of the Trinity River Authority. The yet-to-be-announced 2012 A. P. Black Research Awardee will also speak.

Conference sessions will offer knowledge across 18 distinct tracks, including Distribution & Plant Operations, Executive, Reuse, and International concentrations. Special events include a variety of networking events; receptions for international members, young professionals, and students; operator contests; and the Best of the Best Taste Test.

More than 500 exhibiting companies and organizations, spanning all aspects of the water industry, will show their wares in the exhibition hall. This year, specially selected companies will present in the New Product Technology Showcase, an exclusive area in the hall featuring new and emerging technologies to help address the water challenges your organization faces. Also, the ACE Café is back by popular demand, so hall-goers can relax and enjoy a hot meal without ever leaving the show floor.

A wide variety of registration packages is available, ranging from Full Conference + President’s Reception to economical Operator’s Day and Student registrations. Super Saver Registration ends March 16, and discount rates are available through April 12. Registrations purchased on or after April 13 will be at onsite rates.

Water professionals who wish to attend ACE12 but face tightened travel budgets (or none at all) are encouraged to check out the “ACE12 Justification Toolkit”, available at The kit includes information tailored to help present your case for travel, including a benefits and expenses worksheet and sample request letter.

Entries are also being accepted for the ACE12 Video Contest, where would-be attendees can explain “Why I want to attend ACE12″ in a two-minute video and post it to AWWA’s Facebook fan page. One winner will receive a full-conference registration.

Gold sponsors of ACE12 include Neptune Technology Group and Badger Meter. Bronze sponsors include AECOM and CH2MHILL.

Complete information on ACE12, including registration, attendee, and exhibitor info is available at

See you in Dallas!
About the Author

Dave Plank

Dave Plank is an editor at the American Water Works Association in Denver.