Final EPA Rule on Effluent Limitations

March 20, 2014

EPA has published a final rule that changes existing regulations that apply to stormwater discharges from construction activities. Compliance with this regulation will result in significant reductions in the discharge of sediment and other associated pollutants to water bodies. The rule also furthers the EPA’s goals of improving resiliency of the nation’s waters and infrastructure to climate change by requiring permittees to provide and maintain buffers around many surface waters at construction sites and reducing downstream siltation and flooding. Learn more.

Source: US EPA

Photo 57595966 © Anthony Aneese Totah Jr |
Photo 39297166 © Mike2focus |
Photo 140820417 © Susanne Fritzsche |
Microplastics that were fragmented from larger plastics are called secondary microplastics; they are known as primary microplastics if they originate from small size produced industrial beads, care products or textile fibers.