The Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) Hosted 10th Annual Groundwater Quality Workshop
Lakewood, CA – The Water Replenishment District (WRD) hosted its 10th Annual Groundwater Quality Workshop on June 17, 2014. The free workshop welcomed approximately 140 water professionals from cities, water companies, and utilities located throughout southern California.
Topics included the latest updates on drinking water regulations; case study on chlorate formation; expansion of WRD’s Goldsworthy Desalter; legislation and funding for recycled water and drought; groundwater quality of the West Coast Basin and Central Basin, recycled water treatment technology and regulatory requirements; and what community water systems need to know about the proposed statewide drinking water systems discharge permit.
Prominent speakers included Dr. Cathy Chang, WRD Senior Engineer and Water Quality Program Manager; Kurt Souza, California Department of Public Health; Gary Lynch, Park Water Company; Dr. G. Adam Zacheis, Carollo Engineers, Inc.; Raymond Jay, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; Benny Chong, WRD Hydrogeologist; Earle Hartling, County Sanitation District of Los Angeles County, and Dr. David Kimbrough, Pasadena Water and Power.
WRD Board President Rob Katherman said, “WRD has long been a leader in California groundwater management, protecting our local aquifers as they provide 40% of the water supply to the 4 million residents in our service area. This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our Annual Groundwater Quality Workshop, which provides our customers with the information needed to help ensure that our groundwater remains clean, safe and plentiful.”
The 2014 WRD Annual Groundwater Quality Workshop was sponsored and hosted by WRD, with lunch provided by Carollo Engineers, Inc. Participants received a certificate of completion and 4 continuing education contact hours (CEUs) as approved by the California Department of Public Health.
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The Water Replenishment District of Southern California is the regional groundwater management agency that protects and preserves the quantity and quality of groundwater for two of the most utilized urban basins in the State of California. The service area is home to over ten percent of California’s population `residing in 43 cities in southern Los Angeles County. WRD is governed by a publicly elected Board of Directors which includes Willard H. Murray, Jr., Robert Katherman, Lynn V. Dymally, Sergio Calderon, and Albert Robles.