The Mission of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association is to promote sustainable rainwater harvesting practices to help solve potable, nonpotable, stormwater and energy challenges throughout the world. Being a worldwide organization, ARCSA funds a virtual hub at This cyber home offers the public a vast array of information and resources on rainwater catchment including a resource guide, a project gallery, workshop calendar, course agendas, professional location directory, and more. ARCSA is a membership-based organization whose benefits include access to leading news about the technology and advancements in rainwater catchment. Members include professionals working in city, state, and federal government, academia, manufacturers and suppliers of rainwater harvesting equipment, consultants, as well as backyard amateurs and other interested individuals.This grass-roots organization is on the leading edge of the rainwater harvesting industry. While the spotlight shines brightly on the issue of alternative energy and general sustainability, ARCSA is providing the much-needed expertise and standards to integrate rainwater harvesting back into a prominent role providing water for potable and nonpotable purposes. ARCSA is the first organization to create training and certification for professionals in the rainwater harvesting industry, and has created a suite of training products that can lead to "Accreditation” status.