Credits to Maintain Professional Certification

Sept. 29, 2015
Ec Jk

If you need to earn continuing education credits before the end of the year, take a look at what’s coming up at Forester University. A tremendous number of ESC-related webinars are scheduled over the next few months, including one that starts today—you can still register for today’s session, or catch it later as an on-demand webcast.  You can also click here for a complete list of webcasts, which you can view at your convenience and for which you can also earn PDH or CEU credit.

Hydrogeology 101: Groundwater Analysis, Techniques, and Applications

Two sessions, September 29 and October 1

Senior hydrologist Matthew Uliana explores hydrogeology and groundwater systems, including fundamental hydrogeology concepts and theories; common equations and calculations; data collection and analysis techniques; and how you can apply these to your groundwater studies. For more information and to register, click here.

Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Master Class Series

Five sessions, on demand and September 30–October 14

With land development exploding at a rate more than double our population growth, well-designed and maintained stormwater BMPs are essential for every community. But proper design and construction of stormwater BMPs isn’t as easy as it looks. Join our panel of stormwater industry experts for this comprehensive master class series exploring the A to Z of post-construction stormwater BMPs design, construction, inspection, maintenance, and green infrastructure practices from across the US and beyond. For more information and to register, click here.

Free Webinar: Maximizing Erosion Control With Proper Material Selection

October 21

In recent years, a mass of emerging sustainable revegetation and erosion control products and technologies have hit the market. And with these new products, product selection methods, tools, and techniques have significantly advanced. So what solutions are available? And how can you evaluate and select the best product for your site? In this free webinar sponsored by Profile Products, Dr. Michael Robeson explains how you can use product selection pyramids tied to specific site criteria to evaluate your site conditions, assess the vegetation parameters, and ultimately select the best erosion control technology (e.g., HECPs, RECPs) to establish sustainable vegetation on your site. For more information and to register, click here.

Sediment & Erosion Control for Roadway Projects Master Class Series

Six sessions, November 11–December 18

Join popular speakers Jerald S. Fifield and Tina R. Wills for this advanced, comprehensive master class and workshop series exploring the ins and outs of effective sediment and erosion control plan design and review for roadway projects. The series delves into Fifield’s third edition of the bestselling manual Designing and Reviewing Effective Sediment and Erosion Control Plans (included in the Master Class Series package) and focuses on the specific technical sediment and erosion control needs, challenges, and best practices for roadway projects.  For more information and to register, click here.

About the Author

Janice Kaspersen

Janice Kaspersen is the former editor of Erosion Control and Stormwater magazines.