Spreading Good News

Sept. 6, 2016

About the author: Amy McIntosh, managing editor, [email protected]


It seems like every day when I turn on the television, listen to the radio or scroll through my Twitter feed, all I see is bad news. Social injustices and political conflicts have divided our country, and the news is constantly littered with headlines about the latest disaster—natural, social, political or otherwise. Stories about heroism and success are few and far between, and often are overshadowed by those that inspire outrage and controversy. 

In times like these, it can be hard to find optimism about the world in which we live. That’s why SWS strives to bring our readers success stories throughout the year. By analyzing current events and finding out how to apply them to the storm water and erosion control industry, we bring you case studies and application stories that are timely, useful and have a positive outcome. 

The fifth annual SWS Case Book is another antidote to the daily barrage of tragedy. Inside these pages you’ll find innovative, unconventional success stories of municipalities, manufacturers, engineering firms and contractors joining forces to reach common goals. This camaraderie and teamwork help accomplish a number of things, whether improving the quality of life in communities, capturing and reusing water in creative ways to combat drought, or protecting the environment against natural disasters. 

No one knows what the future holds, but one thing is for certain. While the country may be divided on a number of fronts, the water industry is stronger and more united than ever.