A Few of Our Favorite…Speakers

Sept. 15, 2015
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Three of our favorite speakers have presentations coming up soon—in one case very soon—at Forester University.

On Thursday, September 17, Jerry Fifield and Tina Wills of HydroDynamics Inc. will present “Designing Effective 
Construction Site
Sediment Containment Systems.” They challenge a 1992 EPA rule that says construction sites must have sediment containment systems with enough volume to capture the runoff from a 2-year, 24-hour storm creating 3 inches of precipitation. That’s enough, they say, only for sandy soil conditions. The webinar will explore how to properly analyze and evaluate a system’s effectiveness, as well as parameters that should be incorporated into the design and review of sediment containment systems. The webinar includes the basics of sediment containment systems, how suspended particles are captured, and the use of polymers.

Three of our favorite speakers have presentations coming up soon—in one case very soon—at Forester University. On Thursday, September 17, Jerry Fifield and Tina Wills of HydroDynamics Inc. will present “Designing Effective 
Construction Site
Sediment Containment Systems.” They challenge a 1992 EPA rule that says construction sites must have sediment containment systems with enough volume to capture the runoff from a 2-year, 24-hour storm creating 3 inches of precipitation. That’s enough, they say, only for sandy soil conditions. The webinar will explore how to properly analyze and evaluate a system’s effectiveness, as well as parameters that should be incorporated into the design and review of sediment containment systems. The webinar includes the basics of sediment containment systems, how suspended particles are captured, and the use of polymers. [text_ad] Those of you who read Stormwater magazine might have seen Fifield’s two-part article on this topic. You can see Part 1, from the May 2015 issue, here and Part 2, from the July/August 2015 issue, here. For more information or to register for the webinar, click here. On the following Thursday, September 24, David Hein of Applied Research Associates will present “Using Wastes and By-Products in Road Construction.” The US Federal Highway Administration and other agencies around the world have long permitted the use of recycled wastes and other byproducts in roadway construction to improve performance, reduce costs, improve sustainability, and reduce environmental impact. Hein will explore the wide range of waste and byproducts available for roadway construction; the performance history, benefits, and challenges of each; and how you can best select, design, and implement each to ensure your roadway’s success. David Hein has also presented several webinars on permeable pavements (available as on-demand webcasts here.) We will be running his article on maintenance of permeable interlocking concrete pavement systems in an early 2016 issue of Stormwater magazine. For more information or to register for the September 24 webinar, click here.

Those of you who read Stormwater magazine might have seen Fifield’s two-part article on this topic. You can see Part 1, from the May 2015 issue, here and Part 2, from the July/August 2015 issue, here.

For more information or to register for the webinar, click here.

On the following Thursday, September 24, David Hein of Applied Research Associates will present “Using Wastes and By-Products in Road Construction.” The US Federal Highway Administration and other agencies around the world have long permitted the use of recycled wastes and other byproducts in roadway construction to improve performance, reduce costs, improve sustainability, and reduce environmental impact. Hein will explore the wide range of waste and byproducts available for roadway construction; the performance history, benefits, and challenges of each; and how you can best select, design, and implement each to ensure your roadway’s success.

David Hein has also presented several webinars on permeable pavements (available as on-demand webcasts here.) We will be running his article on maintenance of permeable interlocking concrete pavement systems in an early 2016 issue of Stormwater magazine.

For more information or to register for the September 24 webinar, click here.
About the Author

Janice Kaspersen

Janice Kaspersen is the former editor of Erosion Control and Stormwater magazines.