Random Facts About Water Harvesting

Dec. 27, 2016
Sw Jk Blog

As we look back on 2016, we’ve certainly had an interesting year.  Before we close the books on 2016, let’s revisit Stormwater’s  top posts for the year.

This blog post received several comments in 2016.

Some Random Facts About Water Harvesting

In May 2016, the governor of Colorado signed a bill legalizing rain barrels. Before then, the capture and use of rainwater, even on so small a scale, was illegal in Colorado. It wasn’t the first time such a bill had been proposed—a similar effort failed last year—and the decision, hailed by conservationists, is still controversial because of the complex system of water rights within the state; opponents of the bill say it will reduce the amount of water available to senior water rights holders. Click here to read:  Some Random Facts About Water Harvesting

Two more of most read and shared stories from Stormwater  were:

Ten Emerging Stormwater Management Best Practices

Past Stormwater Paradigms
Way back in 2001 (when some of you were in junior high, I was reminded), I wrote an article for ­Stormwater ­magazine called “Stormwater ­Paradigms.” Its purpose was to recount the ­various ways we looked at and practiced stormwater management, and why we did it that way, from when it was still called “drainage” to present.

A “paradigm” is everything I believe to be true and all that I know about a certain subject arranged into a framework. Whether that framework is actually true, useful, or even coherent is beside the point. The point is that it is my paradigm. And I only reluctantly change my beliefs and practices and agree to somebody else’s paradigm when the fact of the insufficiency of my own way of doing things stares me in the face. We in stormwater are still trying to find our identity. Is it “storm water” or “stormwater,” after all? (I rest my case.)

 Click here to continue reading:  Ten Emerging Stormwater Management Best Practices

Give Me the Numbers

How trees and urban forest systems really affect stormwater runoff

Trees and forest systems play an important role in the water cycle by intercepting rainfall and regulating water flow to the soil for more efficient stormwater infiltration. Traditional urban development practices have reduced the function of these systems by eliminating the vertical structure (tree canopy cover), removing existing ground cover and pervious soils, and compacting the remaining soil to better accommodate impervious surfaces. As municipalities begin to accept low-impact development (LID) and green stormwater infrastructure practices as a viable strategy to manage stormwater runoff, stormwater managers and design engineers need to better understand how effective trees and urban forest systems are at mitigating stormwater runoff and how management of these natural systems can reduce stormwater runoff and pollutant loading. Click here to continue reading: Give Me the Numbers

2016 has been exciting; Stormwater BMPs continues to evolve and we will be sure to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry.

About the Author

Janice Kaspersen

Janice Kaspersen is the former editor of Erosion Control and Stormwater magazines.