Movers & Shakers

July 1, 2015
SWS honors the individuals who have shaped the storm water & erosion control industry

Vik Bapna 
Principal, CWE

Vik Bapna provides engineering solutions to improve the quality of life for families, communities and stakeholders. Many of his most notable contributions to the industry have involved developing multiuse regional projects to promote groundwater recharge, water conservation, water quality improvement, flood control, recreational opportunities and public education. Bapna’s commitment to sustainability and green infrastructure development has placed him at the forefront of storm water quality improvements. He is spearheading the development of first-of-their-kind enhanced watershed management programs for watershed management groups throughout Los Angeles County. 

Bapna managed the city of Torrance, Calif.’s Stormwater Basin & Treatment Wetlands Enhancement Design Project, which won a 2014 Storm Water Solutions Top Project Award. This multiuse, environmentally sensitive project involved the design of two treatment wetlands and two infiltration basins to retain, treat and infiltrate storm water runoff, thus replenishing groundwater while preserving the natural habitat of native wildlife and providing open space. Bapna also managed the city of Los Angeles’ Garvanza Park Rainwater Capture & Use project, the recipient of the 2012 California Stormwater Quality Assn.’s (CASQA) Outstanding Stormwater BMP Implementation Project Award. This storm water BMP project involved retrofitting a park to enhance the water quality of runoff from an 85-acre watershed, garnering acclaim for excellence in innovation, sustainability and water quality enhancement.

Kyle Dexter
Water Quality Technician II, Div. of Water Quality, Hamilton County (Ohio) Public Health

Kyle Dexter has been involved with the regulatory oversight of storm water in the greater Cincinnati area for more than 20 years. At the start of his career, in the mid-'90s, the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit began to evolve and impact how local heath districts managed discharging septic systems within their jurisdictions. Dexter immediately saw the value that geographical information systems (GIS) could provide for storm water requirements and became an expert in applying GIS to a local health department’s daily workflows. He was a pioneer in the creation of storm water-specific GIS data layers (hardened subminiature telemetry and sensor systems, effluent collector lines, discharge lines, etc.). In 2003, the NPDES permit required local municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) operators to begin administering the six minimum control measures, and Dexter was instrumental in the development and implementation of a revolutionary program for mapping and screening all MS4 outfalls.

Dexter developed and implemented the procedures for mapping and screening more than 8,400 storm water outfalls, as well as auditing, inspecting and providing storm water education at more than 130 government-owned facilities. With more than 20 years of employment at Hamilton County Public Health, Dexter also helped implement the current septic system management program, which is credited with more than 26,000 individual septic system repairs, 2,200 septic system replacements and 1,700 septic system abandonments in favor of sanitary sewer hookups. Dexter has been an active member of the Cincinnati Area Geographic Information System Technical Advisory Committee for more than 15 years and was instrumental in instituting the use of GIS and GPS technologies within the health district.

Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells
Deputy Director of Watershed Programs, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District 

Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells is deputy director of watershed programs for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD), which provides sanitary and storm water management services to the city of Cleveland and 61 suburban communities in northeast Ohio. Dreyfuss-Wells coordinates NEORSD’s watershed management efforts across district programs, including the application of storm water control measures to combined sewer overflow (CSO) through the district’s green infrastructure program. 

Dreyfuss-Wells is chair of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Stormwater Management Committee and District 1 Natural Resources Assistance Council for the Ohio Public Works Commission’s Clean Ohio Conservation Program. In 2012, Dreyfuss-Wells received the Stormwater Professional of the Year Award from the Ohio Stormwater Assn. and the NACWA President’s Award.

Dreyfuss-Wells graduated summa cum laude from the Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in biology. She earned master’s degrees with honors in both public affairs and environmental science at Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Samoa. Before joining NEORSD, she was director of Chagrin River Watershed Partners Inc.  

Barry Fagan, P.E./PLS, CPESC 
Environmental Program Engineer, Alabama Department of Transportation 

Barry Fagan has worked with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) for more than 24 years in the areas of road and bridge construction and environmental protection and compliance. In addition, Fagan blogs for, specializing in the topics of leadership and water quality. He also is a professional trainer, presenter and keynote speaker at various events and forums each year. 

Fagan is a working member of a number of professional organizations and groups. He serves on the board of directors for EnviroCert Intl. and is on the Transportation Research Board’s Standing Committee on Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Quality. Fagan also is a member of the AASHTO Stormwater Community of Practice, Collaborative Environmental Network of Alabama Working Group, and Alabama Erosion and Sediment Control Program Steering Committee, and is a past area and region representative for CPESC.

Fagan is a three-time recipient of the International Erosion Control Assn. (IECA) Presenter of the Year Award.

Gerald Greene, DEnv, P.E., QEP, QSD/P
Director of Stormwater, CWE

Dr. Gerald Greene has more than 27 years of experience designing urban runoff treatment and diversion facilities, most notably the Santa Monica (Calif.) Urban Runoff Reclamation Facility, the first facility of its kind to utilize ozone as an urban runoff disinfectant. Greene has made significant contributions to low impact development (LID) in Los Angeles County. One notable example is the 60-acre multiuse Discovery Park project, where he analyzed and designed an underground cistern to retain and pretreat storm water runoff in Downey, Calif. After spending a decade as a principal civil engineer for the city of Downey, Greene joined CWE, where he has further delved into regional storm water planning and assisted more than 50 municipalities with complex regulatory compliance issues.

Greene serves on several storm water regulatory committees and has assisted the majority of the San Gabriel and Los Angeles river watersheds MS4 permittees in developing, implementing and performing annual reviews of draft reports, including but not limited to State of the Watershed reports. Greene’s expansive knowledge of local, societal and physical conditions adds a valuable dimension to the assistance he provides to clients. He currently is managing the Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Program, a first-of-its-kind approach to regional watershed management planning, and is contributing to the development of six enhanced watershed management programs for Los Angeles County permittees.

Paul Hindman, P.E., PWLF
Executive Director, Denver Urban Drainage & Flood Control District

Paul Hindman has been executive director for the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District in Denver since July 2008. He has more than 36 years of experience in the field of water resources and has been with the district for the past 30 years. 

Prior to becoming executive director, Hindman served as manager of the design, construction and maintenance program. He also has been involved with the American Public Works Assn. (APWA), both at the local and national levels. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of Colorado and holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering from Colorado State University and a master’s degree in management from the University of Colorado, Denver.

J.P. Johns
Discipline Leader of Water Design, Woolpert Inc. 

J.P. Johns has established a presence in storm water and erosion control. With more than 16 years of experience in watershed management, his expertise includes hydrology, sedimentology, hydraulic analysis of urban waterways, floodplain management, watershed master planning, stream restoration, and mid- and post-construction water quality analysis and design.

He has been involved with many sediment and erosion control specification projects throughout the Southeast and is the South Carolina state representative for IECA.

Johns has been assisting the South Carolina Department of Transportation in creating, modifying, and updating erosion prevention and sediment control standard specifications. These specifications
have included sediment basins, floating skimmers, baffles, erosion control blankets, turf reinforcement matting, sediment tubes, inlet filter protection, silt fences, level spreaders, compost, stabilized construction entrances, rock ditch checks, dewatering bags and a seeding specification that included hydraulic erosion control products and biological growth stimulant specifications. 

Johns is a long-standing member of APWA and currently supports the South Carolina chapter by planning and hosting its annual conference. He also is a member of the South Carolina Association of Stormwater Managers and is 2014/2015 Blue Ridge Foothills District chair for the Water Environment Association of South Carolina, for which he sits on the ASTM D18 and C27 committees.

Diane Hitt
President, East Coast Erosion Blankets

Diane Hitt has been involved in the erosion control industry for more than 12 years. She has been with the company since its inception and is responsible for strategic growth opportunities, the development of new programs and products, and directing sales activities. Hitt is the current chairman for the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) and an industry liaison for the National Transportation Product Evaulation Program. She is a member of the IECA finance and events committees. Hitt is an active participant of several ASTM committees, and has previously held the position of vice chairman for ECTC. 

In 2014, Hitt was honored by the Manufacturing Institute with the Women in Manufacturing STEP Award, recognizing her leadership and accomplishments in the erosion control industry. She holds a bachelor of science from Albright College in business administration. 

Charlotte Katzenmoyer
Director of Public Works, City of Lancaster, Pa. 

Charlotte Katzenmoyer has been the director of public works for the city of Lancaster, Pa., since May 2001. She graduated from the University of Akron (Ohio), with a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering and graduated from Lehigh University (Bethlehem, Pa.) with a Master of Science in civil/environmental engineering. 

Katzenmoyer spent the first 10 years of her career working for an environmental consulting firm near Philadelphia. As director of public works for the city of Lancaster, she is responsible for approximately 200 employees and an annual operating budget of $50 million and capital budget of $50 million. The city’s water and wastewater systems serve the city proper as well as nine surrounding municipalities with a combined population of more than 140,000 residents. She is responsible for managing a new storm water management fee program based on a property’s impervious area and generates an annual budget of $5 million to meet the Chesapeake Bay pollution reduction program and other CSO efforts. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has lauded the city’s storm water efforts and the city has been selected as a model community in several EPA studies and reports on green infrastructure. Under Katzenmoyer’s leadership, the city of Lancaster has won numerous environmental awards. 

Jonathan Koepke, CEPSC, LEED-AP 
Vice President & General Manager, Encap Inc.

Jonathan Koepke has been with Encap Inc., located in DeKalb, Ill., since 2006. Previously, he was resource conservationist for the Kane-DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District (KDSWCD) for five years. While at KDSWCD, he performed erosion control plan review and site inspection for compliance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois EPA, and municipal erosion and sediment control regulations. Koepke completed both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as a Master of Business Administration from Northern Illinois University. 

His areas of expertise and interest include streambank stabilization and restoration techniques, erosion and sediment control, and revegetative techniques on construction sites. He is the current president of the Great Lakes Chapter of IECA and recently was elected to sit as a member of the IECA board of directors. His experience at Encap includes expertise in managing and directing complicated ecological restoration projects and green infrastructure practices, while also managing and directing all business activities and development for the company. He has been a speaker at numerous storm water industry conferences and educational events, and has been published in multiple industry journals and magazines. 

James Lenhart, P.E., D.WRE 
Chief Technology Officer – Stormwater, Contech Engineered Solutions

James Lenhart was founder of Stormwater Management Inc. and owner of Stormwater Northwest. He has authored more than 45 papers on water quality and storm water treatment. 

Lenhart is a professional agricultural and environmental engineer with more than 25 years of experience in consulting engineering and research and development. He served as an adjunct instructor of civil engineering at Portland State University in Oregon and is an active member of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the Water Environment Research Foundation, and the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Environmental & Water Resources Institute, and serves as vice chair of the Urban Water Resources Research Council. 

Lenhart holds a bachelor’s degree in plant sciences and agricultural engineering, and a master’s degree in water resources engineering.

His professional accomplishments include inventing the Stormwater Management StormFilter. He holds multiple patents for storm water treatment technologies.

Joanie Mahoney
County Executive, Onondaga County, N.Y. 

Joanie Mahoney grew up in Syracuse, N.Y., and in 2007 was elected as Onondaga County’s first female county executive. In 2008, she led Onondaga County to work toward a greener, more sustainable community, culminating in “Save the Rain,” a comprehensive storm water management plan developed to reduce pollution to Onondaga Lake. 

In 2011, Onondaga County was recognized by EPA as a green infrastructure partner for its work on Save the Rain. The program won the New York State Environmental Excellence Award and U.S. Water Alliance’s U.S. Water Prize in 2013. Storm Water Solutions named the Save the Rain project at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse a Top Project of 2013. The zoo project also won the 2014 New York Water Environment Assn.’s Public Outreach Award. A Save the Rain video was selected as Best Video in the Nonprofit and Government Programs Category in WEF’s Stormwater Video Contest.

In 2011, Mahoney was named Governing magazine’s Public Official of the Year. In 2012, she was presented with the U.S. Green Building Council’s Global Community Leadership Award, along with Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner and Nancy Cantor, chancellor and president of Syracuse University. The West Onondaga Street Green Corridor won APWA’s Environmental Project of the Year Award. 

Randy Neprash
Storm Water Regulatory Specialist, Stantec Consulting & Staff, Minnesota Cities Stormwater Coalition

Randy Neprash returned to college after 17 years as a carpenter and owner of a construction firm. He earned his Bachelor of Science in civil engineering, magna cum laude, from the Ohio State University in 1992 at the age of 40.

The vast majority of Neprash’s work over the past 13 years has been with the League of Minnesota Cities’ NPDES Phase II MS4 Guide Plan Project and the subsequent formal structure of regulated MS4 cities, the Minnesota Cities Stormwater Coalition (MCSC). In these capacities, Neprash has influenced the development of the relatively new field of storm water regulation through a wide variety of initiatives and ideas, and established a new relationship between regulated MS4 cities and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the state agency responsible for administering Clean Water Act regulatory programs in Minnesota.

Neprash created a new service delivery structure for the League of Minnesota Cities to provide specific and technical advisory services to member cities. He led regulated Minnesota cities through complex and challenging regulatory compliance processes in a cost-effective manner and shaped new storm water regulations in the state.

Neprash has addressed new technical challenges and opportunities in the context of storm water management implementation, such as integrating urban trees with storm water management and establishing a Minnesota-wide ban on coal-tar-based sealcoating to control polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in storm water pond sediment.

Neprash continues his work as a staff member for MCSC today. He was named Professional Manager of the Year: Water Resources by APWA in 2014. He successfully worked with EPA to add a categorical exclusion for storm water control features to the new Clean Water Rule. Neprash is working to form a national organization of MS4-permitted cities, the National Municipal Stormwater Assn.

Jason Pereira
Principal, CWE

Jason Pereira has more than 20 years of experience in Southern California storm water management. After spending 13 years as a storm water program manager for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, where he managed an annual operating budget of $80 million, Pereira cofounded CWE, a firm that provides specialized storm water and watershed management expertise to clients in the western U.S. Pereira’s contributions to the storm water community have included developing the nation’s first Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan, preparing model storm water management programs, implementing guidelines for new development and redevelopment, interacting with communities to encourage individual storm water responsibility, and presenting workshops on critical storm water issues at CASQA’s annual conferences and other events.

Pereira has broad experience in the development and implementation of special studies, integrated implementation plans and pollutant source identification for total maximum daily loads. He has researched, designed and implemented BMPs and LID solutions that have been instrumental in minimizing pollution from urban and storm water runoff. Pereira was responsible for designing the low-flow diversion BMP at the Alamitos Bay Pump Station in Southern California, a recreational area used for swimming, sunbathing and boating. This project was featured on the Storm Water Solutions website, and was the first design of its nature to divert urban runoff discharge with high bacteria levels and reduce the chance of human illness during contact recreation.  

Lanae Raymond, CSM, CFM 
Director, Environmental Resources Div., Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority

Lanae Raymond has been with the Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA), an organization formed to manage storm water in Centennial, Ariz., and unincorporated Arapahoe County, Colo., since 2007. Prior to SEMSWA, Raymond was with the Arapahoe County Stormwater Management Group, in the engineering division of the public works department for nine years. Previous to her storm water duties, she was a groundwater consultant for 15 years.

During her time with the Arapahoe County Stormwater Management Group, Raymond managed capital construction projects and planned several major drainage ways in the south metropolitan Denver area. She currently is the lead for SEMSWA’s Environmental Resources Div., responsible for managing the water quality program, including NPDES permit program activities, as well as the floodplain management program and environmental permitting, where she is dedicated to continually improving and simplifying the applicant processes for permit approval. 

Raymond is a founding member of the Cherry Creek Stewardship Partners, an organization devoted to providing myriad opportunities to the public for active stewardship of greenways in the Cherry Creek Watershed. She authored the Cherry Creek Stewardship Partners’ 2004 “Cherry Creek Watershed - Smart Growth for Clean Water” report, receiving an Environmental Achievement Award from EPA. She has planned content for and personally directed more than 25 Cherry Creek Stewardship Partners watershed conferences, BMP forums, training workshops and field tours to promote the integration of water quality considerations into stream stabilization and other construction projects. Raymond serves on the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and has provided a watershed basis for TAC recommendations for the past 16 years.

Raymond has been an industry leader at SEMSWA and Arapahoe County and has been key to successful storm water management in the area, leading the team with innovative ideas and acting as a mentor to young professionals. 

Gustavo Osvaldo Salerno, EMBA, CPESC 
President, INMAC 

Gustavo Osvaldo Salerno has held design and management positions within the fields of hydraulic construction and environmental recovery works. He is president of his own companies, INMAC S.A. (created in 1995), INMAC Peru SAC and INMAC Bolivia SRL. He has been responsible for developing a multi-regional general contractor company with projects in Argentina, Peru and Bolivia. The core business of INMAC is the design and construction of hydraulic infrastructure, erosion and sediment control defenses, and environmental recovery projects. 

He also was one of the founders and served as president of the Iberoamerican Chapter of IECA. An IECA member since 1997, he also served as treasurer for its board of directors from 2012 to 2015.

From 1989 to 2003, Salerno taught a general hydraulics course at the University of Buenos Aires. He also has given a number of lectures and conferences about hydraulic engineering and erosion and sediment control defense works and projects.

In 1999, Salerno created the I+D+i Department at INMAC S.A., which he currently leads. He developed and published several technical papers about hydraulics and erosion control issues, including the development of software programs. 

In 2006, Salerno created INMAC Foundation (FI) and serves as its president. FI is a nonprofit organization that produces CEIBE Magazine and other activities related to the erosion and sediment control industry, such as sponsorship programs and awards.

Jason Snyder, P.E.
Principal Engineer, AECOM

Serving as principal engineer and Appalachian Basin surface transportation manager for a multitude of complex projects, Jason Snyder specializes in infrastructure management for AECOM clients throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and New York. The projects he manages primarily are repairs and reconstruction of secondary roadways and small-span bridges. Snyder’s project experience includes safety audits, roadway maintenance plans, network evaluation, route analysis, roadway bonding and permitting, roadway repair and upgrade designs (local, county, state and federal), construction oversight and management services, and bridge rehabilitation and upgrades, including turnkey services for Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) bridge solutions.

Snyder is an expert in full-depth reclamation and roadway stabilization, with projects throughout the Northeast. He has been responsible for the construction of more than 500 miles of public roadways since 2010, as well as the installation of $750,000 worth of driving surface aggregate on dirt and gravel roadways within the East Branch Watershed in York County, Pa., to reduce sedimentation of the York Water Co.’s reservoirs while at Lake Redman & Williams. Snyder is passionate about the Federal Highway Administration’s Every Day Counts GRS-IBS initiative and is responsible for the inception, funding, design and construction of the second GRS-IBS bridge in Pennsylvania.

Marc S. Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI
Vice President of Business Development & Engineered Products, Profile Products LLC

Marc S. Theisen has more than 25 years of experience in erosion/sediment control and storm water management on six continents. 

Over the course of his career, Theisen has acted as a contractor, consultant, distributor and manufacturer. He oversees the development of a comprehensive line of erosion and sediment control, turf reinforcement and storm water treatment devices for Profile Products of Buffalo Grove, Ill. Theisen holds related patents for hydraulically applied erosion control products, sediment retention devices and turf reinforcement mats.

Theisen holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental biology from the University of Colorado and a master’s degree in plant ecology from Denver University. He has been an active member of IECA since 1982 and has served on its board of directors as technical vice president. He remains active with IECA and participates on several committees.
In 1992, he was a founding member of the
Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC). He is past ECTC chairman and formerly served on its board of directors. 

Theisen also served on the board of directors for the Geosynthetic Institute and was an executive member of the Geosynthetic Materials Assn. He has long been involved in industry growth and standardization efforts and has authored numerous articles on how to integrate product and materials technology through effective categorization, design, selection and installation protocol. He remains an active member of the ASTM D18 and D35 Committees on Erosion Control, Sediment Control and Geosynthetics.  

Recently Theisen was a speaker for the National Stormwater Summit, a workshop to help keep the homebuilding industry environmentally compliant through proper selection of BMPs and the development of cost-effective SWPPPs.

Steve Trinkaus, P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ
LID Expert

Steve Trinkaus is a regional, national and international expert in LID. He wrote the first LID design manual in Connecticut for the town of Tolland, which became the first town in the state to mandate the application of LID for all development projects. Tolland was awarded the Implementation Award for the LID manual from the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Assn. Trinkaus also has authored LID design manuals for the Connecticut towns of Plainville, East Granby and Harwinton under Farmington River Enhancement Grants administered by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. He was principal co-author of a national LID guidance document written with Mike Clar, P.E., for the Environmental Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Trinkaus has been an invited presenter on LID and related topics at two seminars hosted by the Fund for Lake George in 2011, 2012 and 2013, and will be working with the fund to develop LID approaches for the Lake George Watershed. He also was invited to present on the performance of LID treatment systems and cost savings of LID systems versus conventional storm water management systems at two meetings with EPA and National Association of Home Builders representatives in July and October 2012. 

Trinkaus has applied LID strategies to many residential and commercial projects in his practice, resulting in projects that work in harmony with the natural land form while minimizing impacts associated with land development and storm water runoff. He has overseen the installation of LID treatment systems and performed the necessary construction to install bioretention systems. He also has developed maintenance protocols for LID treatment systems.

Trinkaus has presented at numerous international and regional professional conferences sponsored by the Environmental Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, IECA, Ohio Stormwater Assn., American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission and StormCon.

Trinkaus received a Bachelor of Science in forest management from the University of New Hampshire in 1980 and became a licensed professional engineer in Connecticut in 1988.

Chris Webb, P.E., LEED Fellow
Associate Engineer, Herrera Environmental Consultants

Chris Webb is a civil engineer and 2011 LEED Fellow whose technical expertise is focused on the promotion and implementation of systems and technologies that support sustainable storm water solutions. For 20 years, he has been at the forefront of sustainable development projects, working with local and state governments, private and public entities, utilities and nonprofit groups. 

His career encompasses many firsts in the realms of permeable pavement, bioretention, living machines and net-zero toilet systems, rainwater capture and water reuse. At Herrera Environmental Consultants in Seattle, he works as part of design teams across a spectrum of project types, from site development civil engineering to planning high-performance, sustainable water system designs and complex storm water retrofits.  

In addition, Webb is a frequent speaker on the technical aspects of LID, storm water management and sustainable water resource management design at numerous professional development seminars, private workshops, national conferences and university courses. Webb’s passion for sustainable water management has taken him from the plains of east Texas to the remote corners of Baja California and up to the Pacific Northwest. In each place his mission is the same: to “integrate sustainable water management strategies and green storm water infrastructure into projects of all types.”

Ben Willardson, Ph.D, P.E., D.WRE, QSD/P 
Director of Water Resources, CWE

With more than 17 years of experience in the public and private sectors, Dr. Ben Willardson is a storm water management, water resources and erosion control expert. In his former position as operations director for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Water Resources Div., which maintains one of the most complex flood control systems in the nation, he was involved in the implementation of storm water management programs for compliance with NPDES permit requirements. Willardson guided the development of methodologies to evaluate the effective use of BMPs within Los Angeles County, creating implementable project and treatment alternatives to substantially improve storm water runoff quality. He investigated and created potential strategies to implement storm water capture programs and projects throughout Los Angeles County.

Willardson’s accomplishments over the past two decades have paved the way for significant storm water management improvements in non-traditional environments. In a unique port environment (Port of Long Beach, Calif.), Willardson developed a Stormwater Master Plan to prioritize planning and capital improvements for the port’s storm water system, enhance water quality and ensure adequate capacity for the next 20 years. He also developed a Stormwater Capture Master Plan for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to establish strategies to implement storm water capture programs/projects and demonstrate how Los Angeles can transform from a drought-ridden “concrete jungle” into a water-resilient city. Willardson’s accomplishments also include developing hydromodification and LID methodologies. 

The individuals recognized in this section are listed in no particular order and were nominated by various organizations and peers.

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