Innovation & Legislation

May 29, 2018

About the author: Caitlin Cunningham, managing editor, [email protected]

The path to a successful storm water future is one paved with fresh thinking and targeted permitting. An expert panel at StormCon stressed this message, and audience members received it with knowing nods, case-in-point comments and applause. Continued promotion of this opening statement will give rise to increasingly effective and efficient best management practices, a more workable regulatory framework and, ultimately, even brighter days ahead for our industry.

One way to innovate is to work together. Whether among colleagues or as part of a multiparty partnership, brainstorming and refining ideas as a group is a surefire way to develop visionary plans, methods and technologies—the kind most likely to warrant funding assistance and public support. Constantly bearing in mind big-picture storm water and erosion control objectives, we can get creative with the small steps—from pumping storm water using solar power to installing permanent public education signage—that will guide us to their fulfillment.

On the regulatory front, many industry professionals are calling for legislators to drop the one-size-fits-all approach and develop area-specific permits that factor in climate, geography, etc. This more tailored approach would allow the accountable municipalities/watersheds/regions greater flexibility in meeting requirements; and with compliance as a more attainable goal, the clean water and stable soil we work for become more likely outcomes.

This is not the first time the industry has felt the tides changing. We must shift our approach, as we have before, to address emerging challenges and keep storm water and erosion control moving forward. Help pave the way: Put on your thinking cap and state your case—the U.S. EPA regularly requests input—for or against regulatory developments.

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About the Author

Caitlin Cunningham