2010 State of the Industry

May 11, 2010

About the author: For more information, contact Caitlin Cunningham, managing editor of Storm Water Solutions, at 847.391.1025 or by e-mail at [email protected].


Storm Water Solutions (SWS) understands the importance of keeping up to date with the latest industry trends and data. We are pleased to bring you our second annual State of the Industry Report, which includes invaluable information regarding the evolving world of storm water and erosion control.

A random sample of 7,599 SWS subscribers received an invitation to the survey site. The project was conducted entirely over the Internet, and a total of 348 surveys were completed.

The resulting 2010 State of the Industry Report provides a current, detailed market assessment. Different dynamics were studied, including professional and business demographics, budget expenditure and importance of industry topics.

SWS is committed to keeping our readers informed of and up to date with current business topics. We will continue to monitor and report on the state of the 2010-2011 storm water and erosion control industry.

Q: Which of the following best describes your primary job function?


More than half of respondents state that they have an engineering function. An additional 18% work in government administration. Ten percent are in operations.

Q: What is your organization’s approximate yearly budget for storm water-related products and/or services?


One-quarter of responding reader companies have a million- or multimillion-dollar budget.


Over the next 24 months, which of the following product/service categories will you invest in?


More than eight in 10 respondents will invest in pipes, fittings and inspection/rehab over the next two years. More than three-quarters will make erosion control, sewer/drainage system and sediment control expenditures.

Q: Are you planning new storm water construction?


Almost half (47%) of respondents are planning new storm water construction within the next two years. An additional 9% are planning new construction within the next three years.

Q: Are you planning to upgrade existing storm water facilities?


Almost half of respondents (46%) will upgrade existing storm water facilities within the next three years. About three in 10 of respondents will conduct upgrades in the coming year.

Q: Please rate how important the following topics will be to your organization in the coming year. (1 to 5 rating, 1 = not at all important, 5 = very important)


From a list of 15 industry topics, regulations/compliance and the economy received the highest importance ratings, with an average rating of 3.9 on a scale of 1 to 5. The next most important topics were state and local funding/budgets and storm water management/flood control, both with an average rating of 3.6, followed by erosion control (3.5).

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