Underground Detention System Maximizes Space for New Construction

May 29, 2018

About the author: Information provided by Hancor, Inc. For more information, contact Bob McKinlay at 519/660-8460.

There is nothing more frustrating than circling around a parking lot trying to find a spot to park. So when developers began construction on Park Place Towers, a new two-story office building with retail stores in Jeffersonville, Ind., creating adequate parking to keep customers happy was an important consideration.

As with any new construction, there was a need for a water detention system but the question was where to put it. Stringent environmental regulations and increasing land values have made finding an effective way to manage storm water runoff a challenge for land developers and engineers.

For the Park Place Towers construction, Hancor’s LandMax system utilizing Sure-Lok ST pipe, Nyloplast in-line drains and curb inlet drain basin and a Storm Water Quality Unit was the ideal solution.

The contractor for the project was Cristiani Excavation, the project engineer was Heritage Engineering and Sprigler Commercial was the owner.

The client wanted to maximize lot space of the new two-story office and retail construction area, which was once a farmer’s field. There was a gas main transmitter line crossing over the one-acre lot. Space was an issue and the city was requiring an underground water detention system.

“Space was the issue, we had to maximize the 10,000-sq-ft lot,” said Hong Kim, engineer at Heritage Engineering. “We decided to put the detention system underground so we could build over top.” Installed below grade, Hancor’s subsurface systems increase the amount of usable land above ground, making room for things like parking lots.

“We used a lot of pipe on this project, around 1,400 ft and a 42 in. x 20 in. Storm Water Quality Unit. Hancor’s products were the best choice for the job,” said Kim. “They are specifically designed for fast installation, easy maintenance and meet the city of Jeffersonville’s storm water runoff guidelines.”

The contractor also was very pleased with the products. “Everything went together so well,” said Leo Messmer, project manager at Crisiani Excavating. “We’d never used the product before and even as a first installation, we didn’t have any problems. We worked closely with our local Hancor representative and all dimensions were verified ahead of time. It only took a three-man crew one week to get the job done.”

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Hancor Inc.