Before the Flood

May 29, 2018

About the author: Tim Gregorski, Editorial Director
[email protected]

Bill Wilson, Editor
Roads & Bridges Magazine
[email protected]


While major rainstorms battered the Midwest causing the nearby Des Plaines River to swell to nearly 10 ft over flood level, a major storm was brewing here in the offices of Scranton Gillette Communications.

Well, maybe not a storm per se, but in recent months the staffs of both Roads & Bridges magazine and Water & Wastes Digest have collided to work in concert to produce the Storm Water 2004 supplement. Appearing in both publications, this is the first time that two separate SGC magazines have combined forces for an editorial effort such as this.

It was certainly coincidental that while we were working on the Storm Water 2004 supplement, the flood waters from the Des Plaines River were raging, overtaking roads and wreaking havoc on the sewer systems just a short distance away from here. These floods, which lambasted the Midwest this past spring, were an inspiration, of sorts, for SGC’s combined efforts to fill the editorial void in the storm water-related marketplace. By providing this supplement to specific segments of the Roads & Bridges and Water & Waste Digest readerships, we aim to help municipalities with their efforts in their battle against storm water.

On the following pages of Storm Water 2004, you will find an overabundance of editorial coverage on a wide variety of storm water-related topics. You will be able to recognize the articles that are geared toward the Roads & Bridges audience, while you will also see articles that cater to the Water & Wastes Digest audience.

What will also be made clear is the relationship these two publications have with the topic of storm water and how the expert editorial resources incorporated by both Roads & Bridges and Water & Wastes Digest can address storm water-related issues in a timely and effective manner.

Hopefully, our combined efforts will parallel the combined efforts between different departments within a municipality so these departments can concurrently and effectively address the issues that are prevalent with storm water.