On Demand Webinar: Stormwater P3s - A Partnership for Resilience

Nov. 18, 2022
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This webinar was originally held on November 18, 2022 and is now available for on demand viewing.

Sponsor: Invisible Structures
Duration: 1 hour

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A certificate of attendance will be offered.

Webinar Description:

The Clean Water Partnership (CWP) is the first Community Based Public-Private Partnership geared around Green Stormwater Infrastructure. This revolutionary approach to improving infrastructure began with an agreement between Corvias and the Prince George’s County Dept. of the Environment in 2015. This agreement solidified the goals of the CWP, which are far more than just helping Prince George’s County satisfy their MS4 permit. The CWP was built to educate and engage communities, design and install water quality devices with long term maintenance in mind, and build relevant business capacity within the county by utilizing local, small and minority owned businesses to ensure an economic impact driven by diversity, equity and inclusion. Over the past 7 years, the CWP has far surpassed its contractual goals and continues to do so. They’ve completed 169 projects across Prince George’s County; located on schools, parks, municipal, and HOA land, these stormwater devices treat over 4000 impervious acres and are/will be routinely maintained by the CWP for the next 30 years. In addition, 63% of the work being done on these projects is by county residents, and 79% of the work is being done by Target Class businesses. The CWP is truly representative of a taxpayer investment into their own community. Creating this successful program has taken a great deal of coordination, training, and flexibility behind the scenes. This panel will discuss the challenges of implementing the CWP and take a closer look at the people that have made it possible, from the community partners like teachers and HOA presidents, to small business owners, to the government and corporate leaders.

Presented by: 

Jam Kendrick - Clean Water Partnership

Jam Kendrick, Outreach Manager, is a seasoned project manager with a proven track record of community outreach and engagement management success. Her extensive knowledge of community relations and outreach experience has aided in developing a strong working relationship with various stakeholders including Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) administrators, green team champions and building supervisors at participating schools throughout the county.

Michael Burke - Quest2 Consulting

Michael Burke leads the Mentor Protégé Program, which is responsible for identifying and supporting local businesses. The MP program is essential to the CWP, and a unique program in and of itself, creating a safe space for small businesses to gain confidence and grow to their potential.

Greg Cannito - Rainplan

Greg Cannito is responsible for some of the largest, most successful Community Based Partnerships for sustainable infrastructure, and co-founder of Rainplan, an innovative technology startup in the stormwater industry, has agreed to serve as our executive lead advisor, in alignment and close coordination with Corvias leadership. Greg is adept at building and fostering positive relationships with our municipal partners, and we are thrilled that he is serving our partnerships in this important capacity.

Moderator: Alanna Maya
Chief Editor

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