Talking Under Water Episode 21: Funding

June 23, 2020

This episode of the podcast covers funding, a wastewater reuse program for forest development, as well as the impacts of flooding and groundwater pumping.

In this month’s episode of Talking Under Water, hosts Lauren Del Ciello, Bob Crossen and Katie Johns kick off the episode with some good news regarding a wastewater reuse program for forest development in Egypt. Also explored are the impacts of flooding and groundwater pumping in Jakarta, Indonesia. Finally, our interview this month is with Nathan Gardner Andrews, chief advocacy officer from the National Association for Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) on funding.

Listen to the full episode here on SoundCloud and subscribe on iTunes or Google Play! 

Show Notes:




Talking Under Water is the premier podcast for the water industry, including municipal and industrial water and wastewater, residential water treatment, storm water management and erosion control. It is produced in coordination between Water & Wastes Digest (WWD), Water Quality Products (WQP) and Storm Water Solutions (SWS). The podcast covers topics under the One Water movement including the municipal and industrial water and wastewater, point of use, point of entry, residential, storm water and erosion control markets. Talking Under Water highlights news, trends, new technologies, industry discussions and on-site interviews with experts for WWD, WQP and SWS. Logo Images: Anatoly Tiplyashin / Romolo Tavani /

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