Talking Under Water Episode 15: Smart Water Quality

June 23, 2020

Hosts interview director of smart strategy for Sensus on importance of smart water quality & data analytics for utilities 

In this episode of Talking Under Water, hosts Lauren Baltas, Lauren Estes and Bob Crossen discuss a study on ancient groundwater, coastal flooding in New Orleans and a river restoration project that includes wastewater infiltration to refill a groundwater aquifer. The three then interview Travis Smith, director of smart water strategy for Sensus, as well as Chris Thompson, product manager for Sensus. Smith and Thompson discuss the importance of smart water for volumetric data analytics and why adding water quality metrics to smart water systems will be critical for municipalities moving forward.

This episode of Talking Under Water is brought to you by the U.S. Water Alliance One Water SummitSept. 18 to 20 in Austin, Texas. The One Water Summit is the premier national conference focused on sustainable, integrated, and inclusive approaches to managing water, our most precious natural resource. Registration closes Aug. 1.

Show Notes