Apm Catchbasins 5dc1f531dc195

Tackling Stormwater Management: From Culverts to Catch Basins

Nov. 5, 2019
This report features two county stormwater rehabilitation projects. One involves ongoing maintenance of vertical catch basin structures, while the other addresses an emergency repair of a severely deteriorated horizontal culvert. Download it now!

Stormwater management is an ongoing process— for counties, municipalities, DOTs, and even commercial and industrial entities. From catch basins to culverts, keeping infrastructure in good condition saves time and headache in the long run.

This report features two very different county stormwater rehabilitation projects. One involves ongoing maintenance of vertical catch basin structures, while the other addresses an emergency repair of a severely deteriorated horizontal culvert. Both counties turned to centrifugally cast fine aggregate composite concrete systems to structurally repair and maintain their stormwater infrastructure assets. Download this informative free report today!