To overcome seasonal water shortages, Summerheights Golf Links in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, pumps irrigation water from the South Raisin River. Flow rates in the river can become very low during dry periods, so water extraction is regulated and monitored closely. A water extraction permit issued by Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change limits the total water usage and requires daily flow reports to be submitted each season. The golf course needed a simple metering system to monitor flow and automatically generate flow reports for permit compliance.
To measure and control water pumped to the sprinkler golf course system, a Greyline TTFM 1.0 Transit Time flowmeter with clamp-on ultrasonic sensors was installed on the outside of the main 6-in. steel pipe from its pump station. The flowmeter was easy to install without cutting pipe or shutting down flow.
Summerheights Golf Links now is able to produce flow reports and meet its permit requirements using the flowmeter and its built-in 2-million-point data logger. The meter automatically stores daily total and minimum and maximum flow rates.
Summerheights owner Rory MacLennan periodically downloads reports via USB memory stick and transfers them to his PC. From these daily reports, he can insert flow data into the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change’s online reporting system. The flowmeter is in operation during each irrigation season and the clamp-on ultrasonic sensors are easily removed for storage when the pump system is shut down for the winter season.
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