Water Research Foundation Announces 2013 Research Projects

Feb. 7, 2013
Thirteen research projects will be funded under the Water Research Foundation Focus Area Program

The Water Research Foundation (WaterRF) announced the 13 research projects that will be funded under its Focus Area Program in 2013. The foundation approved a total of $2.93 million for these projects. The RFPs for 12 of the projects will be available on March 18, 2013.

Two focus areas—Developing Tools and Strategies for Improved Water Utility Energy Efficiency and Integrated Water-Energy Planning and CECs and Risk Communication: Developing Core Messages and Engaging Critical Stakeholders—will not have any new projects funded in 2013.

The Foundation’s Focus Area Program, initiated in 2011, is based on broadly relevant subscriber issues to be solved with a targeted, multi‐year research response. Sixty percent of the Foundation’s annual research budget is allocated to the Focus Area Program. The projects selected for funding were approved at the Jan. 29 to 30 meeting of the Focus Area Council (FAC), which oversees the Focus Area Program on behalf of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. The FAC is composed of utility representatives with a broad understanding of the drinking water community’s most critical issues and research needs.

RFPs for these projects will be available on March 18 at www.WaterRF.org. On that date, researchers interested in submitting proposals should visit the WaterRF website for project details and submission process guidelines—each project will have its own unique criteria and submission deadline. Proposal submissions only will be accepted via the WaterRF online system.

Click here for the complete list of projects that will be funded under the Focus Area Program in 2013.

Source: Water Research Foundation