Challenge Mountain Resale Store Nears Campaign Goal to Fix Parking Lot

June 10, 2022

Donations are $2,800 shy of obtaining the full $15,000 matching grant.


Via Petoskey News-Review.

The Challenge Mountain storm water and parking fundraising campaign is close to meeting its goal. 

"Thanks to the generous support of regional community foundations and a major donor, the Challenge Mountain Resale Store storm/water parking lot project is underway," according to a recent press release from the organization. 

"Though it’s less recognizable without snow and ice, shoppers and donors to the Challenge Mountain Resale Store know the parking lot has been in ill repair and lacks a storm water drainage system. The Resale Store is a major source of funding for year-round adaptive recreation for individual living with disabilities," stated the release.

Elizabeth Looze, executive director, added that “An anonymous $15,000 matching grant through the Charlevoix County Community Foundation has us inches away from reaching our fundraising goal."

Donations are $2,800 shy of obtaining the full $15,000 matching grant.

“We are so close, and meeting this goal means Challenge Mountain would not need to finance the balance," Looze said.

The project became a necessity for the organization when conditions in the parking lot became hazardous over the winter. 

“This winter, with warm thaws followed by below zero temps, makes the need even more apparent,” said Staci Payton, Resale Store manager.

Snow, rain water and run-off from higher elevations pool in various locations, making it difficult to navigate in and out of the store.

“This is an aggressive project,” said Looze, “However, it is definitely needed. Improvements will provide safer access for shoppers and donors. And, new drainage and gutter systems will prevent dangerous ice conditions in winter and standing rain water spring through fall.”