MWRD, Crestwood unveil completed flood control project

Oct. 27, 2023
A series of stormwater management improvements provide flood relief for 82 homes, businesses and other buildings from up to 100-year-rain events.

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) celebrated the completion of a $7.7 million stormwater management and flood relief project: The Crestwood Flood Control Project.

Neighbors will benefit from a new and improved creek. The MWRD stabilized the banks of the creek and removed overgrown vegetation, seeded and installed erosion control blankets, and added capacity to the existing pipe culverts under Cal-Sag Road.

The MWRD also installed new storm sewers and a junction structure along 135th Street from Central Avenue to the Crestwood Drainage Ditch and improved the detention basin and outlet on the Nathan Hale School property, north of 135th Street.

As a result, there is improved water flow and conveyance from Central Avenue through135th Street to the Cal-Sag Channel to mitigate flooding and improve water quality. The project also improves the safety and aesthetics of infrastructure on Nathan Hale School property.

Standing by a pedestrian bridge over the new and improved Crestwood Drainage Ditch, MWRD President Kari K. Steele, Vice President Patricia Theresa Flynn and Commissioner Dan Pogorzelski joined Crestwood Mayor Ken Klein and Crestwood Trustees Frank Caldario, Anthony J. Benigno and Denise M. Pietrucha to cut the ribbon on the $7.7-million-project. The project was completed ahead of schedule.

“I extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the realization of this tremendous project,” said MWRD President Kari K. Steele. “Thank you to the residents of Crestwood for your input going back to our Detailed Watershed Plan for the Cal-Sag Channel Watershed in 2014. It was the invaluable insights from our Crestwood residents and the exemplary expertise of MWRD engineers that have propelled us to a significantly improved stormwater management position today and for future generations.”

In total, the series of improvements provide flood relief for 82 homes, businesses and other buildings from up to 100-year-rain events. The new storm sewer on 135th Street has allowed Crestwood to complete additional $2.9-million storm sewer improvements in the subdivision south of 135th Street, providing additional flood reduction in the neighborhood.

“I thank everyone for being here today to celebrate the completion of this project and we look forward to many years of protection and an improved water environment in Crestwood and along the Cal-Sag Channel,” said Vice President Flynn. “We may have identified these flood control improvements back in 2014, but it was the partnership of Crestwood who stood determined to make sure it became a reality nearly a decade later. To that end, we must also thank the late MWRD Board President Terry O’Brien for initiating this important project for us.”