Prince George County, Md., Offers Storm Water Programs

Aug. 11, 2014
The two new programs aim restore and protect local rivers and streams

Chesapeake Bay Trust and Prince George’s County, Md., are offering two new programs that provide an exciting opportunity to implement storm water management practices and engage citizens. Both programs aim to restore and protect local rivers and streams in Prince George’s County.

The programs are:

  • Prince George’s County Stormwater Stewardship: The Prince George’s County Government and the Chesapeake Bay Trust announce a new partnership to support storm water restoration and retrofit projects throughout Prince George’s County. The Chesapeake Bay Trust—Prince George’s County Stormwater Stewardship Grant Program strives to achieve reductions in nutrient and sediment loads to the County’s waterways, while engaging residents in storm water issues. The deadline for application is Sept. 18, 2014 at 5 p.m.
  • Prince George’s County Rain Check Rebate: The Chesapeake Bay Trust and Prince George’s County are partnering on the Rain Check Rebate Program that offers incentives to homeowners, businesses, and others to install practices that will improve storm water runoff quality, reduce runoff quantity, and improve local streams and rivers. Both residential and commercial properties are eligible for these rebates.

Source: EPA