EPA launches new NPS program web map

Feb. 10, 2022
Data Explorer is an enhanced web mapping application that provides data on NPS watershed projects nationwide.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Nonpoint Source Management Program has released an enhanced web mapping application to explore the nation’s nonpoint source (NPS) watershed project.

EPA says that the new application, named Data Explorer, will offer information on where NPS projects are being implemented, how CWA §319 grant funds are used, and an entity’s progress toward meeting pollution reduction goals.

The Data Explorer could be a useful tool for community members, watershed partners, and other stakeholders to understand the work being done in their watersheds. The application will feature several advanced features, including:

  • a dynamic map with integrated reports that update automatically
  • several data filters to help users focus their results
  • customizable, automated reports that users can download
  • NPS program information with other EPA data systems, such as How’s My Waterway, for integrated watershed management