New company, Community Infrastructure Partners, launches

Sept. 22, 2022
The company aims to use a performance-based delivery model to better implement infrastructure improvements while incorporating benefits to the local environment and community.

A new company, Community Infrastructure Partners (CIP), has launched with the intent to offer a delivery model that implements infrastructure improvements better than traditional means.

The team comprising the new company brings experience in stormwater management; operations and maintenance; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices; climate resilience; financing; program structuring; and contractor development. CIP’s management team includes Shawn Kerachsky, CEO; Sean Agid, Chief Business Officer; Pete Littleton, ChiefOperating Officer; Elizabeth Wheaton, Chief Sustainability and Resilience Officer; and Eric Jones, Senior Program Director.

“The traditional approach of one-off project delivery has proven to be inefficient, ineffective, and underfunded in the face of increasing and intensifying climate events. Based on our unique experience in the industry, the best model is an inclusive, programmatic approach that identifies and remediates dozens, if not hundreds of dispersed projects across a geographic area,” says Kerachsky. “To make our communities resilient, our programs maximize every single dollar invested to achieve not only a community’s infrastructure needs but also social, environmental, and financial community benefits.”

The company says that it’s performance-based delivery model would implement infrastructure improvements fast, cheaper, and generally better than traditional means. CIP also says its solutions simultaneously address environmental issues as well as social-economic goals such as minority business utilization, local workforce employment, and resident participation.