WEF Extends National MS4 Needs Survey Deadline

Dec. 1, 2022
The biannual survey is now open until December 16 and should be completed by MS4 permit holders or entities that manage MS4 permits for municipal clients.

WEF press release

To better understand and address the needs of the U.S. stormwater sector, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is conducting a survey of permit holders for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4).

The biannual National MS4 Needs Assessment Survey is open until December 16th and should be completed by MS4 permit holders or entities that manage MS4 permits for municipal clients.

For more information and to complete the survey visit https://wefstormwaterinstitute.org/programs/ms4survey/

WEF’s last MS4 survey in 2020 identified an annual funding gap of $8.5 billion for the stormwater sector. WEF’s data was also used by the American Society of Civil Engineers in its 2021 Infrastructure Report Card to include stormwater as its own category for the first time, giving it a D grade.

The MS4 survey is used for a variety of purposes:

  • To identify the information and resource needs of MS4 permittees;
  • To understand current funding levels and estimated funding needs;
  • To advocate to Congress and states to increase funding for stormwater;
  • To provide relevant technical resources to MS4s; and
  • To generally elevate the visibility of stormwater within the infrastructure sector; 

WEF’s goal is to collect data from as many MS4 communities (phase I, phase II, and non-traditional MS4 permits) across the nation as possible.

You can take the survey here.