California Approves State Funding For Napa Flood Control Projects

Sept. 18, 2018

Flood control projects include building new flood walls

On Sept. 14, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1073, which authorizes state funding for flood control projects in the city of Napa, Calif., using state general obligation bonds and grants from state Legislature appropriations. The bill will provide state funding if federal funding is unable to be secured to complete the flood control projects that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began but halted after the USACE concluded the remainder of the projects did not meet federal cost benefit guidelines.

“This important project is about safeguarding the people of Napa from a potential disaster caused by rising waters,” said Sen. Bill Dodd who sponsored the bill. “I am proud to help see it to fruition.”

USACE contributed to a downtown bypass, flood terraces and new bridges under the city of Napa’s flood control plan, but did not complete several proposed flood walls and pumps in the city’s master plan, as reported by the Napa Valley Register. Under the new bill, flood walls will be built near Lincoln Avenue, Riverside Drive and in the Oxbow area. However, before tapping into state funds, Napa hopes to secure additional federal funding.

“We need to protect all parts of the Napa community that were included in the original flood control project,” said Napa Mayor Jill Techel. “We appreciate that the state and Sen. Dodd understand that the project isn’t completed until all parts of it are done.”