There are few constants associated with energy management in large buildings these days—unless you count “constantly changing” and “constantly increased expectations.”
Gone are the days when an energy manager could be content with minimizing complaints from the building tenants, and operations and maintenance were activities centered on the control and upkeep of building mechanical equipment and systems.
Today, there are a multitude of external forces ranging from rating standards (Energy Star, LEED, etc.), to benchmarking regulations, performance contracts, and owner demands that drive energy management considerations. Within the building envelope, the energy manager must deal with the full inventory of mechanical and electrical systems, from HVAC, to lighting, conveyance, and other specialty systems. Even a building’s automation system is subject to commissioning. It is a daunting task.
Enter Big Data
PC Magazine defines big data as “massive amounts of data collected over time that are difficult to analyze and handle using common database management tools.” In the big building environment, big data can be described in much the same fashion.
The difficulty of managing big building data was the topic of an Energy Management Association (EMA) webinar, “Analyzing Energy Use Data,” recently presented by Andy Heitman, CxA, EMP, CEM, from Building Energy Sciences LLC in Pensacola, FL, to an international audience of energy managers eager to learn more about the subject. The webinar stressed that analysis of both historical and newly acquired energy usage data is a key component of the Energy Management Process.
The process, as defined by EMA, is a unique, commissioning-integrated energy management methodology for existing buildings. It can be best performed by individuals who provide energy management services and have not only a deep understanding of energy concepts, but also an intimate, hands-on understanding of how building systems operate.
The process is comprehensive, in that it applies energy management and analysis skills with knowledge of the commissioning methodology. It emphasizes identifying and understanding where and why energy is used in a facility and using that data—Big Data—to minimize that consumption and meet performance standards. Most traditional approaches tend to rely on limited solutions and do not address overall building performance in such a holistic manner. The scope of the EMA Energy Management Process is broader than energy audit programs and protocols, and incorporates the implementation and validation of energy efficiency and performance improvement measures, as well as the continued maintenance of those efficiency improvements.
Commissioning-Based Energy Management
Even the most sophisticated buildings are not immune to wasted energy consumption. According to a study conducted by Texas A&M and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory this waste, or “drift,” can be as high as 30% of efficiency every one-to-two years. EPA’s Energy Star program estimates that commercial buildings in the US waste 30% of the energy they consume. It is a huge problem that won’t be solved by Big Data alone.
To make the most out of an investment in technology, it is essential that it be coupled with a commissioning-based energy management system and qualified personnel who understand how to process Big Data. This will ensure that the building will maintain quality performance over time and get in front of the problem of drift.
The commissioning-based energy management process involves working with the building owner to create an ongoing process irrespective of the nature of any retrofit that may have been performed. This practice is known as ongoing commissioning (OGCx). The scope of OGCx will vary widely depending on the facility. At some buildings it may include continuous monitoring of systems data via the building automation system and digital analysis software. For others, the process will include less intensive tasks such as monitoring a building’s Energy Star score or adding additional checks to existing operations and maintenance (O&M) practices.
Regardless of scope, every OGCx plan has two objectives, monitor building energy performance to confirm the persistence of energy savings from conservation measures and facility improvements. At a minimum, an effective OGCx plan should include lists of monitored equipment; specific data points for each system; baselines used for comparison; lists of meters and submeters; calibration schedule for meters and submeters; reporting structure and schedule; methods of tracking energy use data; testing procedures and schedule; and, description of sampling protocols.
The OGCx plan, when effective, will likely find issues requiring resolution. That is not something to be feared—learning about deficiencies quickly and resolving them immediately are what the plan is all about. With respect to issue resolution, an OGCx plan should include protocols for fixing identified problems over a wide spectrum of systems and equipment, a delineation of the responsibilities of building staff and contractors, and an ongoing record of resolved issues.
Similar to traditional commissioning, OGCx should address more than just the HVAC systems. In addition, the plan should also include tracking of water usage, lighting energy use, and other data as appropriate to the facility.
Complementary Practices Compound Benefits
Technology is entering the commercial building space in ways that provide powerful tools for energy managers and commissioning authorities. Wireless communications and cloud-based applications have revolutionized the way building energy is managed. Big Data, in the hands of commissioning authorities and energy managers who understand how to process it and capitalize on it, is the future for energy conservation in the built environment.
A well-commissioned building will result in operational savings due to improvements in building performance beyond the actual cost of utilities to operate the systems. This can include everything from how reliably equipment operates in the facility’s mechanical systems, to how hot or cold occupants feel on a daily basis—and that obviously leads to happier and more productive tenants.
The Energy Management Association (EMA) has made its Energy Management Guideline, A Comprehensive Process for Energy Management & Enhanced Building Performance, available free on its website. Download a copy at
To the building or facility owner, performance improvement means a drop in the number of work orders for O&M staff, better management of labor expenses, fewer unanticipated calls to materials or maintenance vendors, improved safety and security, and code compliance. When all of that can be delivered with reduced energy costs it is truly a winning proposition.
It is reasonable to assume that the next generation of building technology will be dominated by “the internet of things (IOT).” The IOT is a frontier in which machines, not just people, are connected to the Internet, and these machines will communicate with one another and even be able to solve problems. This will enable vast new efficiencies and produce volumes of data.
It is important to note that the building management community should resist the impulse to achieve “auto-piloted” buildings or even have that as a goal. The human touch is vital to maintaining a well-commissioned building and there is every reason to believe that these technologies and the big data they produce will make that human touch even more effective and efficient.
Edward Armstrong serves as marketing manager for the Energy Management Association. He has worked extensively with trade associations in the engineering, chemical, and construction sectors.