Upcoming Webinars: Permeable Pavement, Controlling Rain

May 19, 2015
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Forester University has two events coming up that will be of interest to those in the stormwater arena—a master class series on permeable pavement, and a free webinar called “Using the Cloud to Control the Rain.”

As always, you can earn CEU and PDH credits for attending the webinars. Past webinars are available as on-demand webcasts. Click here for a complete list of webcasts.

Permeable Pavement

Master Class Series

May 21 – August 12, 2015

David Hein, P.E., Vice President of Transportation and Principal Engineer at Applied Research Associates and Chair of the ASCE T&DI Permeable Pavement Structural Design Committee, presents this comprehensive live and on-demand four-session master class series exploring the ins and outs of permeable pavement design, construction, and performance.
This best-selling series is back by popular demand.

Sessions include:

May 21: Introduction to Permeable Pavement

June 17: Design and Construction of Permeable Pavements

July 15: Impact of Permeable Pavement Design and Construction on Performance

August 12: Permeable Pavement Live Case Studies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Details and registration

Using the Cloud 
to Control the Rain:Smart Stormwater Management Solutions

June 2, 2015

Presenters: Marcus Quigley, P.E., D.WRE,
Founder and CEO, OptiRTC, and Kevin Marsh, VP of Sales and Marketing, OptiRTC

You can’t choose the weather, but you can control it. Join Marcus Quigley and
Kevin Marsh as they explore the hydrology, design, BMPs, and limitations of typical (passive) stormwater detention and retention systems; the new technologies integrating the internet-of-things (IoT) and cloud-native platforms for an active stormwater management system; and how you can implement this technology with your existing stormwater infrastructure to improve your performance and results.

Details and registration
About the Author

Janice Kaspersen

Janice Kaspersen is the former editor of Erosion Control and Stormwater magazines.