How to Interview to Win Projects

Jan. 28, 2016

So you’ve been shortlisted for your dream engineering project or position? Congrats! But…with the herds of applicants, how can you successfully deliver your ideas AND standout from the crowd?

Join returning speaker Dr. David T. Williams as he outlines the secrets to a successful interview – from preparation to answering the tough questions – based on his 40 years of interviewing for and sitting on local and national selection panels, AND how you can employ these real-world tested tips to win your next interview.

This webinar is scheduled live on Wednesday, February 10th, 2016 @ 11:00 a.m. PST / 2:00 p.m. EST, 1-1.5hr.* Register for the event by clicking the button below.

In this webinar, Dr. Williams will walk you through his common sense strategies (based on 40 years of interviewing for and sitting on local and national selection committees) for successfully interviewing and winning engineering projects and positions. We’ll start our discussion with a look at how to thoroughly research and prepare for the interview, the panelists, and the environment, and how to use this knowledge to enhance your presentation and position. Dr. Williams will then outline how to best manage the flow of your interview and the delivery of your presentation to optimize your time and message. We’ll take a look at some of the common pitfalls and tough questions, and discuss the tips on how to best field and answer these questions confidently AND thoroughly. Dr. Williams will offer some advice on how to elegantly end the interview and follow up with persistence (but without being a pest). And finally, we’ll take a look at some of the real-world self-destructing blunders by major companies and candidates culminating in a list of what NOT to do, and how you can avoid these mistakes and successfully win your dream engineering project or position.

Learning Objectives:
Attendees can expect the discussion and education of the following learning objectives:

  • Learn how to fully prepare yourself and project for the interview and panelist personalities
  • Learn how to manage your presentation, timing, and delivery
  • Learn how to gracefully field and handle the tough questions
  • Learn how to stand out from the crowd
  • Learn the tips and tricks to enhancing your presentation, AND what not to do

Date & Time:

Wed., Feb. 10th @ 11 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. EST, 1.5-2hr*

David T. Williams,
DTW and Associates

Credits: 1.5 PDH / 0.15 CEUs

Cost: $79