EPA Reaches Settlement with Acme Foundry for Industrial Stormwater Violations

June 1, 2016
(Lenexa, Kan., May 31, 2016) – EPA Region 7 reached an administrative settlement with Acme Foundry, Inc., of Coffeyville, KS, to resolve industrial stormwater violations under the Clean Water Act. Under the settlement, Acme Foundry must comply with its industrial stormwater permit, pay a penalty of $28,975, and implement a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP).
EPA investigations in March 2015 found that Acme Foundry, Inc., failed to comply with its industrial stormwater permit due to unauthorized discharges containing pollutants. The company failed to:
  • develop and update an adequate stormwater pollution prevention plan,
  • implement best management practices to reduce the amount of pollutants in stormwater,
  • perform facility inspections,
  • conduct annual comprehensive site compliance evaluations,
  • conduct visual stormwater monitoring, and
  • conduct employee training
Under a previously issued administrative compliance order, Acme Foundry is addressing each of the violations and will install and maintain structural and non-structural controls to bring the facility into compliance with its industrial stormwater permit.
Under this settlement, Acme Foundry will pay a $28,975 penalty for their alleged stormwater permit violations and complete a SEP by January 1, 2017, estimated at $600,000, to replace the existing wet scrubber air emissions control with a fabric filter, reducing air emissions.
Material handling and storage, equipment maintenance and cleaning, and other activities at industrial facilities are often exposed to the weather. Runoff from rainfall or snowmelt that comes in contact with these activities can transport pollutants directly to a nearby river or lake, or indirectly via a storm sewer and degrade water quality.
The Clean Water Act seeks to protect streams and wetlands that form the foundation of our nation’s water resources, which are critical in adapting to climate change impacts like drought, stronger storms, and warmer temperatures.
The settlement is subject to a 40-day public comment period before it becomes final. The public comment period began on May 19, 2016. Information on how to submit comments is available at www.epa.gov/ks/region-7-table-clean-water-act-public-notices.
Source: US EPA