AED Commends Congress for Passage of Bipartisan Water Infrastructure Package

Dec. 14, 2016

WASHINGTON – Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) President & CEO Brian P. McGuire issued the following statement following congressional approval of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act. The legislation authorizes dozens of Army Corps of Engineers’ projects, such as building, maintaining and improving harbors, dams, locks and navigation channels, and provides resources to upgrade drinking water infrastructure in communities impacted by lead contamination.

“AED commends the House and Senate for coming together to pass the WIIN Act and making this important bill a priority before wrapping up work for the year. The WIIN Act is a win for everybody.  It will target investment to necessary projects, create jobs and stimulate economic activity across the country, all while spurring construction equipment demand. Importantly, the infrastructure investment under the WIIN Act will also improve the movement of products and goods to market for American businesses and consumers.  We look forward to House and Senate leadership, in conjunction with the next administration, working in a similarly constructive manner to invest in other types of critical infrastructure and create an environment conducive for long-term growth and job creation.”