Vegetated Geocellular Channels Shore Up Embankments, Mitigate Flooding

Sept. 13, 2017

Incorporating naturally vegetated GeoWeb channels to prevent erosion, allow for higher storm water volume and eliminate potential for flooding alleviated chronic drainage issues along a Florida roadway. Bussen-Mayer Eng. Group Inc. approached storm water and erosion control specialists R.H. Moore & Associates of Tampa, Fla., for erosion control ideas for a newly planned channel. The channel design consisted of box culverts, as well as open areas to allow for more volume to help alleviate the flooding potential.

Various options were considered, including gabions, articulating concrete block mats, fabric-formed concrete and the GeoWeb channel system. Requiring erosion protection and natural aesthetics, the channel system was the chosen solution to meet both needs.

Multi-layered geocellular channels can be designed with steep banks and small horizontal footprints to allow for flood storage—and they can withstand high flows for short durations while allowing natural vegetation.

The flexible nature of geocellular channels allows them to perform well, even in soft-soil environments. Where heavier flows are expected, outer cell concrete or grout infill offers greater resistance.

Four years after the installation, the vegetation in the channel is healthy and dense, protecting the channel side slopes from erosion that previously limited storm water volume and contributed to flooding and stabilizing the desired natural vegetation. With the drainage project completed, the flooding problems on Lake Drive have been eliminated. 
