Sediment Control

Sediment Control

2022 Top Projects | Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church Rainscaping

Dec. 19, 2022
This project sought to secure utility funding to develop a community-driven, multi-benefit green stormwater infrastructure retrofit on the site.
Photo 61965880 © Lfyv75 |

New Jersey DEP Awards $9.95 Million to Improve Water Quality, Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts

Dec. 14, 2022
The funding stems from a $10 million federal American Rescue Plan Act award to New Jersey that was appropriated by the state Legislature for the management and maintenance of ...
In 2018, more than 30,000 Houston residents, along with the city, created the Master Plan, which reimagines Memorial park
Sediment Control

Memorial Park Restoration Efforts Bridge Green Infrastructure & Erosion Control

Nov. 30, 2022
SWS recognizes top stormwater & erosion control projects

Stormwater Parks as Community Assets

Nov. 30, 2022
Public parks benefit the community by providing places for recreation, gathering, education, and relaxation. Often, they provide benefits in the form of economic vitality and ...

2022 Top Projects | Memorial Park Land Bridge & Prairie

Nov. 21, 2022
This year's #1 Top Project sought to implement green infrastructure that would bind a park's ecosystem together.