ISI Opens Sustaining Membership to Engineering, Planning, Construction, Design Firms
Source Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure
The Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) has opened its Sustaining Memberships to private sector firms in engineering, planning, design and construction organizations. The ISI Sustaining Membership is designed for companies to be recognized publicly for their competency and experience in the development of sustainable infrastructure projects.
The ISI is a not-for-profit organization that, in partnership with the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at Harvard University, has developed a tool to help public and private sector decision makers create sustainable infrastructure projects. The tool, called the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system, is Web-based and available in the public domain at no charge to the user.
Originally designed specifically for civil infrastructure, the Envision tool can help decision makers develop nationally recognized sustainable projects for all types of infrastructure, other than habitable buildings. It can also be used for industrial infrastructure, which has a significant effect on the sustainability of the communities in which they are sited.
The ISI Annual Sustaining Memberships are inexpensive and include a complementary training as part of the credentialing program for the first employee from a new member, and will provide a listing on the ISI website for Sustaining Members as an Envision Qualified Company (EQC). The EQC listing can be an asset for firms that want to be recognized for sustainable infrastructure of all kinds.
Envision is currently being used on hundreds of projects in North America by public sector organizations such as the city and county of Los Angeles, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the San Diego Airport, the Port of Long Beach, the Cape Cod Planning Authority, the California Water Authority, and cities such as Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Atlanta, Chicago and more. More than 3,000 professionals have been credentialed as Envision Sustainability Professionals.
Source: Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure