Dedicated Committee Members Re-Envision the IECA Awards Program

July 1, 2010

In February at the EC10 annual conference, the small but dedicated Awards Committee met to begin a process of re-envisioning the IECA awards program for individual and organizational achievement in the erosion control field. Overall, IECA awards consist of three components: the Chapter Advisory Committee awards the Partners for Excellence achievements to IECA chapters; the Professional Development Committee makes awards based on papers and presentations at the annual conference; and the Awards Committee recognizes individual and organizational achievement in the erosion control field. This last area, handled by the Awards Committee, is the focus of the re-envisioning process.

Key goal of the Awards Committee is to create a process that provides consistency to the awards program from year to year to celebrate the significant achievements made in the erosion and sediment control field. Following February’s meeting, the committee has been working to refine the seven award categories. Details
of the nomination process will be refined next as part of this process. Members interested in joining the committee or contributing thoughts should contact the committee chairperson Sandy Mathews or the staff liaison Rich Harter.

It is not too early to start exploring whether your work or the work of your colleagues should be considered for an IECA award. The call for nominations will go out to the IECA membership in late September 2010. Awards will be made in seven categories:

  1. Environmental Achievement– Recognition of an outstanding project, program, or system that demonstrates excellence in natural resource conservation and environmental protection through the application of effective erosion and/or sediment control practices and policies. This is the IECA’s premier award. Recipients will have demonstrated a high level of environmental benefit by clearly identifying objectives, methods used, and results obtained and detailing the benefits to the environment. The recipient does not need to be a member of IECA.
  2. Sustained Contributor– Recognition of an IECA member who has provided distinguished service to IECA and has made outstanding contributions to improve the erosion and sediment control industry for a sustained period of time. Sustained Contributors include members who have demonstrated leadership by example through a significant and long-term contribution to the erosion and sediment control industry and to IECA through one or more of the following: education, government involvement, research, or the development of technology. The recipient must be an active member of IECA and have held membership for a minimum of 10 years.
  3. Young Professional– Recognition of an IECA member under 30 years old who demonstrates excellence in technical work in the industry and is viewed by IECA peers as an emerging industry leader through significant engagement with his/her local chapter. The recipient must be a current member of IECA.
  4. Professional of the Year– Recognition of an IECA member who practices as an erosion and sediment control professional in one or more of the following capacities: educator, consultant, regulator, or supplier. Nominees must have made noteworthy and recognizable contributions to the erosion and sediment control profession and have contributed significantly to their local chapter. The recipient must be an active member of IECA and have held membership for a minimum of three years.
  5. Contractor of the Year– Recognition of an IECA member who practices as a contractor. Nominees must have demonstrated excellence in field execution and application of effective erosion and sediment control practices. The contractor will be recognized for outstanding accomplishments demonstrated on a single or multiple projects or for the accomplishment of developing new practices. The recipient must be an active member of IECA and have held membership for a minimum of three years.
  6. Organization of the Year– Recognition of an organization that is involved with and supports the erosion and sediment control profession or practices. Nominees must have achieved environmental enhancement through successful application of an effective erosion and sediment control practice, program, or partnership that offers continuing education in the erosion and sediment control industry or other contributions to the industry relative to education, research, or technical advancement. Programs, projects, and partnerships described in the nomination must have been initiated within the past two years. They do not have to be completed by the date of nomination, as many of these projects will be ongoing by nature. However, they should be sufficiently advanced to measurably demonstrate success of the program or practice. The recipient can be any organization that has membership representation within IECA. This award is not intended for IECA chapters, which have their own awards program.
  7. Technological Innovation– Recognition of new and innovative technologies developed within this evolving industry. Recipients will have participated in the development of a new practice, design, or process that has combined technological and -environmental considerations to -reduce erosion and sediment, improve water quality, or other interrelated environmental improvements. Any new practice, design, or process -described in the nomination must have been initiated within the past five years. They should be sufficiently developed to measurably demonstrate success of the new practice, design, or process. The recipient does not have to be a member of IECA.