Environmental Heroes, Education & Networking: Register By December 10 & Save Money!
Environmental Connection 2011 is the complete package. It’s only a few weeks away, so make your plans now to attend IECA’s annual conference and expo February 20–23 in Orlando, Florida. EC11 brings education featuring world-class instructors, the industry’s largest trade show displaying cutting-edge products, and networking opportunities with other champions of the environment together in one location. The industry’s best will bring you up-to-speed on the knowledge you need now to give you long-term solutions you can use today.
Hotel and Travel Information: Book by Jan. 28 for the Best Rates
All EC11 activities will be under one roof: Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. Conveniently located in Disney’s Animal Kingdom Resort area, Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort is a stone’s throw from all four Walt Disney World Theme Parks, championship golf, and Disney entertainment districts.
From now until January 28, you will enjoy special rates of $159 plus tax per night at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. Call 407-939-1020 or book online by visiting our hotel and travel page at www.ieca.org/travel.
To make your EC11 travel experience even easier, be sure to take advantage of Disney’s Magical Express service, which will transport you and your luggage to Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort from the airport and back again at the end of your stay. This complimentary service requires an advance reservation. Call 407-827 6777 or visit our travel page at www.ieca.org/travel for more information.
EC11 Education Highlights
Always bringing you courses featuring the latest topics and trends relevant to the work you do, here are some classes you won’t want to miss, all taught by the industry’s best. Here is just a peek at some of the outstanding content available at EC11:
Full-Day Classes (PDH Value = 6)
Principles of Turbidity Control on Construction Sites
Instructor: Richard McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Technical Level: Advanced
There is increasing pressure on construction site managers to reduce the offsite impacts of stormwater runoff on streams, lakes, and estuaries adjacent to their projects. This workshop will provide participants with the background and knowledge to implement a wide range of methods to reduce turbidity in construction site stormwater.
Advanced Inspector Course
Instructor: Alex Zimmerman, CPESC, CISEC, CESSWI
Technical Level: Advanced
Learn the fundamentals of erosion and sediment control and regulatory compliance. Attendees will explore the processes of erosion and learn how to control the factors that influence erosion on their projects. With a focus on regulatory compliance, the Erosion and Sediment Control Lead training will provide attendees with the knowledge to manage their own SWPPP programs for construction sites.
Understanding the Ramifications of EPA’s Effluent Limitation Guidelines
Instructor: Jason Ziemer
Technical Level: All
This full-day course will provide in depth information on EPA’s new effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) for the construction and development industry. The goal of this course is to provide attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to evaluate individual construction sites and to determine how to design, plan and implement BMPs, PTS, and/or ATS to achieve compliance with the ELGs.
Technical Sessions
These shorter, topic-focused sessions give you the opportunity to journey into the unfamiliar or discover new ways to tackle your current problems. The sessions are broken into half-day sessions, case studies, papers, forums, and workshops. All technical sessions are included with basic conference registrations and two-day conference registrations.
Half-Day Sessions (PDH Value = 3)
- Elements of Construction Site Storm Water Management
- How to Write Revegetation and Erosion Control Specifications
One-Hour Sessions (PDH Value = 1)
- New Compost BMP Design Manual for Sustainable Storm Water Management
- Beach Erosion: This Sand’s for You
- How to Specify and Establish Sustainable Vegetation
- Turbidity Sampling and Analysis of Storm Water Discharge from Construction Sites
Sessions Offered in Spanish
- Bioingenieria de Suelos en la Recuperacion de Areas Degradadas y Estabilizacion (half-day session)
- De Taludes y Laderas Procesos y Control de la Erosion (half-day session)
(Note: All course and session dates and times are subject to change.)
Make Sure Your Company Gets Noticed: Booth Spaces Still Available
EC11’s expo hall is the one-stop shop for all the latest products and technology. Attendees will be able to connect with more than 150 manufacturers and suppliers to find out what products will work best in a given area. Make sure your company is part of the action! They’re going fast, but a few booth spaces remain for EC11. Prices start at $1,745 for a 10-by-10 line booth with corners starting at $1,795.
Show Hours
- Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1:30 p.m.–9 p.m. (Grand Opening Celebration Dinner is 6 p.m.–7:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, Feb. 23, 10:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
To reserve your space contact Rich Harter, CMP, at [email protected] or 1-800-455-4322 or 1-303-640-7554.
Here’s who is exhibiting at EC11 as of November 10, 2010. Sign up today to reserve your spot!
ACF Environmental
Aer-Flo, Inc.
Alpha Environmental Management Corp.
American Excelsior Co.
Apex Resources Inc.
Applegate Environmental Products
Applied Polymer Systems
Belton Industries Inc.
Boddingtons USA
Bowie Industries Inc.
Carolina Fibers
Central Fiber LLC
Chemstar Products
City Sewing Machine/Union Special
Civaro North America Inc
Colorado State University
Contech Construction Products
Cove Four Slide and Stamping Corp.
Dandy Products Inc.
Deacero S.A. De C.V.
Devon Distributing Corp.
Dungeness Environmental
Earth Support Systems Inc.
Earthsavers Erosion Control
East Coast Erosion Blankets
Easy Lawn
Eljen Corp.
Environmental Management Systems
Environmental Products & Applications
Enviroscape ECM Ltd.
Ernst Conservation Seeds
Erosion Control
Fiber Marketing International Inc
Finn Corp./Express Blower
Firestone Specialty Products
Foamfield Rubbers
Foresight Products LLC
Forestry Suppliers Inc.
Gator Guard
GeoHay LLC
Government Engineering Journal
Great Lakes Fastening
Gro-Power Inc.
Hach Co.
Hamilton Manufacturing Inc.
Hanes Geo Components
Hantec Solutions Inc.
Hydrostraw LLC.
Innovative Equipment Solutions
International Erosion Control Systems Inc.
Invisible Structures
JRM Chemical Inc.
Kifco Inc.
Kincaid Equipment
King Hughes Fasteners
KriStar Enterprises Inc.
Land and Water
Landmark Earth Solutions
Landscape Architect and Specifier News
Maccaferri Inc.
Mat Inc.
Midwest Construction Products
Mulch & Seed Innovations
Nedia Enterprises
North American Green Inc.
Outpak Washout
Pennington Seed Inc.
Phoenix Paper Products
Portadam Inc.
Posi-Shell Environmental Coatings
Presto Products-Geosystems
Pro Max Compliance Inc.
Prodac S.A.
Profile Products LLC
Rethceif Packaging
Rocky Mountain Bio Products Inc.
RoLanka International Inc.
Silt-Saver, Inc.
SmartDitch/Penda Corp.
Soil Erosion & Hydroseeding
Soil Nail Launcher
Soil Retention
Soilworks, LLC—Soil Stabilization & Dust Control
Southeast Environmental Consultants LLC
Stagnito Media
Stormwater USA LLC
Submar Inc
Suntree Technologies Inc.
Sustane Natural Fertilizer
TenCate Geosynthetics N.A.
Terra Aqua Gabions
Triangular Silt Dike Co Inc.
Turbo Technologies
Turfmaker Corp.
W. Silver Inc.
Western Excelsior Corp.
Willacoochee Industrial Fabrics