I Make America Launches “Picture a Better America” Photo Contest
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and the I Make America campaign today launched the Picture a Better America Photo Contest to demonstrate the urgent need to invest in America’s crumbling infrastructure. The contest will showcase the hard-working men and women who “make” America. The Picture a Better America Photo Contest aims to greatly amplify the voices of I Make America’s grassroots supporters and others committed to demonstrating the real cost of Congressional inaction on infrastructure investment and who are pushing for passage of a fully-funded six-year highway bill by September 30th of this year.
“We’re calling on all Americans to send in their photos to the Picture a Better America Photo Contest. We need to show our elected officials that our roads, bridges and highways are crumbling and America needs Congress to pass a fully-funded highway investment bill this year,” said AEM President Dennis Slater. “The time is now for Congress to invest taxpayer dollars in projects that will create meaningful jobs and will make our roads safer.”
Photo Contest Details
From April 28 through July 15, 2011, people across the U.S. – both recreational photographers and professionals – can visit www.IMakeAmerica.com/photocontest to enter their photos in the four thematic categories below. Everyone may enter, regardless of their amateur or professional status as photographers. AEM encourages contestants to share their photos on their personal Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr accounts, and to browse other photo submissions.
Contestants can submit different photos in the four thematic categories below, limit one per category:
• One Bumpy Ride: Disintegrating roads are a fact of life for almost everyone. Some have even rewarded us with a flat tire or worse! Send a photo of a decaying bridge or roadway; show Congress the consequences of their inaction.
• When We Work, America Works: Did you know that every $1 billion spent on infrastructure provides 30,000 jobs to hard-working Americans? Send a photo of a job site to show what a working America looks like.
• America Grows Here: A fully-funded highway bill will ensure that the crops that feed and clothe the world reach their final destination. Contestants can show the beauty of America’s farms by submitting a photo today.
• Our Many Faces: Americans work hard; it’s what we do. Send us a picture of you, a family member, a neighbor or a colleague hard at work, contributing to the national effort of building America!
One winner in each category will be selected by a guest panel of judges (to be announced) and the winners will be announced at www.IMakeAmerica.com/photocontest in August 2011. Each category winner will receive a $250 cash prize.
To learn more about I Make America, visit us at www.IMakeAmerica.com. View short videos of employees and small business owners around the country telling the real life stories of how manufacturing impacts the national economy at www.ADayinAmericanLife.com.
Keep up-to-date on the latest I Make America campaign news on Twitter @IMakeAmerica and on Facebook (www.Facebook.com/IMakeAmerica).
About I Make America
I Make America is supported by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and its 850+ member companies representing 200-plus product lines in the agriculture, construction, forestry, mining and utility sectors worldwide. We are joined by the memberships of like-minded associations, American business owners, and citizens and local elected officials across the nation.
About AEM (www.aem.org)
TheAssociation of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) is the North American-based international trade group providing innovative business development resources to advance the off-road equipment manufacturing industry in the global marketplace. AEM membership comprises more than 800 companies and more than 200 product lines in the agriculture, construction, forestry, mining and utility sectors worldwide. AEM is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with offices in the capitals of Washington, D.C., Ottawa, Beijing and a European presence in Brussels.