The enthusiasm, sharing, learning, and networking enjoyed by attendees at Reno this year indicate that EC09 was a resounding success. Overall attendance numbers were down slightly, but exhibitors say that the attendees were the best-quality group they have seen.
So, what were the numbers? EC09 drew 1,855 total attendees and 140 exhibitors, with most attendees spending more time in the trade show than in previous years.
Here’s a recap of some of the events and highlights of the week:
International Reception and Networking
The conference started with a new event, the International Reception, held on Sunday night to get things started. Hors d’oeuvres from a variety of origins were served along with refreshing beverages. Following this event, groups formed to visit local restaurants, allowing attendees to meet each other and talk over dinner. The first Sediment Basin was introduced at EC09, giving attendees a place to unwind at the end of a busy day to visit with colleagues, plan the evening, and compare notes on the day’s events. The Sediment Basin will come back next year in Dallas, along with a few new twists.
For Your Reading Pleasure
The new and expanded Bookstore took many by surprise, with its larger selection of offerings. IECA plans on doing this again in Dallas to give attendees a chance to thumb through more books that can help supplement current knowledge. IECA always is on the lookout for additional offerings, so if you have authored an industry piece that you’d like included in next year’s Bookstore, please let us know.
Best Shots, Chapters Surviving the Challenge
Congratulations to the Pacific Northwest and Mountain States Chapter team. Together they worked to win the Survivor Challenge by assembling their team’s puzzle and solving the riddle. Just another example of the great minds and the teamwork that come together at IECA’s conferences.
The popular Photo Contest always is a hit with attendees. It provides education in a fun way, where attendees can view actual projects to see what has worked and what hasn’t. Plus, it’s a great chance for members to show off their best work and their best shots. The winner’s and finalist’s photos can be viewed on IECA’s Web site at Winning photos also will be featured in future IECA publications.
Board Installed and Leaders Learn
On a serious note, IECA’s Board of Directors installed two new directors: Phil Handley, REM, CPESC, and Rick Morse, CPESC, CPSS, CEnvP, and elected Michael Chase, CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI, as the new IECA president. Leadership training seminars were held prior to the conference, attended by around 20 current and future IECA and chapter leaders. This first-ever training was a success and will be repeated in the future as an added benefit for those who are willing to volunteer for IECA.
Western Chapter: A Personal Touch
The Western Chapter, which serves as the Host Chapter this year, was invaluable at making sure EC09 attendees felt that personal touch. The chapter enlisted many fun and engaging volunteers for a variety of duties, had a Welcome Booth to assist with providing membership information, local directions and points of interest, and generally made everyone feel welcome in Reno.
Grassroots Efforts in Brazil
Terezinha Galvao gave a fantastic presentation Wednesday morning on the Manuelzão Project in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. This project has been an excellent example of a grassroots movement that elevated into government action to clean up a river. This project has provided teaching experiences, research, and community service for a better environment, a cleaner river, and a more informed and active population.
Exhibitors and Sponsors Make It Possible
The Expo Hall was busier than ever, due to the attendees’ desire to maintain a competitive edge. In these times, new technology, new ideas, and new contacts are priceless.
IECA sincerely wants to thank its Conference Sponsors:
- Presenting Sponsor: Profile Products
- Premier Sponsor: Scourstop
And IECA’s Publication Partners are invaluable at getting the word out to the industry about each conference. Their dedication and support are truly appreciated.