IECA and the Certified Inspector in Sediment and Erosion Control Inc. program (CISEC Inc.) have signed a Certification Partnership Agreement to establish a professional relationship between the two organizations. The benefits of the relationship are many, such as the following outlined in the agreement.

IECA will support CISEC Inc. by:

  • Recognizing CISEC registrants as certified individuals;
  • Encouraging IECA’s membership to partake in the CISEC certification program;
  • Providing training and educational opportunities for CISEC registrants; and
  • Advancing the CISEC mission at its events and through IECA publications.

The agreement also strives to encourage both organizations to provide professional opportunities to the sediment and erosion control industry by adhering to the following:

  • Each will control its code of ethics and enforcement mechanisms;
  • Each will share its mailing lists for education offerings, membership and registrants;
  • Each will share ideas in developing the educational content of courses that meet the needs of the CISEC certification program;
  • CISEC Inc. will provide material about its certification program for review and approval by IECA;
  • Each will share the use of its logos, trademarks, and promotional icons;
  • IECA will provide booth space to CISEC Inc. at its annual conference; and
  • CISEC Inc. will provide a liaison to IECA’s Professional Development Committee. Member J.B Dixon will serve as the liaison.

The IECA Certification Partnership program is open to any certifying organization that meets IECA’s requirements as outlined in the agreement. IECA is actively pursuing Certification Partnership agreements with other certifying bodies that represent the profession.