Waterbody Improved: Nonpoint source pollution from urban and agricultural areas contributed to high levels of organic enrichment and low levels of dissolved oxygen in northern Kentucky’s Licking River. As a result, a 4.6-mile segment at the mouth of the river failed to support its aquatic life designated use.
In 2000 the Kentucky Division of Water (KDOW) added this segment to the Clean Water Act section 303(d) list of impaired waters for low dissolved oxygen. Implementing best management practices and conducting outreach and education activities in target watersheds led to improved dissolved oxygen levels in the Licking River. Data collected in 2004 showed that the first 4.6 miles of the Licking River met water quality standards and supported the river’s aquatic life designated use, prompting KDOW to remove the segment from the state’s list of impaired waters in 2006. Learn more.
Source: US EPA