ISI Announces Envision Trainer Program

June 6, 2014

Washington, D.C. – June 4, 2014 – The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) announced today their new in-person “ISI Trainer” program that is available to provide high quality Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) accreditation training.

The ISI Trainers are the only individuals authorized to facilitate Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) accreditation workshops, which qualifies participants to take the online ENV SP credentialing exam. Twenty-five people have participated in the first ISI Trainer course, which took place in Watertown, MA, in late April. These ISI Trainers represent 21 of ISI’s Charter Member companies.

“ISI’s web- based training program has met with great success,” said ISI President and CEO Bill Bertera, “And, in order to meet the growing demand for in-person accreditation workshops, we found that there is also a demand for in-person accreditation training, particularly from public agencies that want the training to come to them, so their key people can work together to use Envision as a tool to help them analyze and evaluate the levels of economic, environmental, and social aspects of their infrastructure projects.” To date, over 2,000 people have earned the ENV SP credential through the online training.

Launched in 2012, the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system is a comprehensive planning and design guide that helps infrastructure owners and designers meet sustainability goals and address projects’ lifecycle economic, social and economic aspects. This holistic tool can be used to guide decisions about investment of scarce resources and to address community and environmental priorities on all types of civil infrastructure.

To learn more about the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system, or to use the ENV SP Directory to find an ISI Trainer, visit

About ISI Envision

Envision is the product of a joint collaboration between ISI, which was founded by three national engineering associations: the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), and American Public Works Association (APWA), and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. Information on all of ISI and Envision can be found on the ISI website,