Profile Honors Outstanding Distributor Accomplishments
PORTLAND, OR. (February 25, 2015) – Profile Products recognized the outstanding work of several of its distribution partners for engineered and specified erosion control products at its awards banquet Feb. 16, in conjunction with the International Erosion Control Association’s annual conference in Portland, Oregon.
The evening was a salute to the success of distributors who found ways to thrive under relatively tough industry and economic conditions. The innovative solutions they helped create for some of the most demanding erosion control and revegetation sites around the world were the highlight of the event, and celebrated as the driving force behind the distributors’ business success.
“We are always very impressed with the innovative projects and business solutions that originated from this group of distributors,” said Marc S. Theisen, M. Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI, vice president of business development and engineered products for Profile Products. “The conference provided a great opportunity to honor their hard work and highlight their accomplishments.”
During the ceremony, Profile handed out both individual and company awards in a variety of categories:
ACF West was the winner of the “2014 Project of the Year” for its work stabilizing a damaged slope in Cyr, Montana after a train derailment.
Pennington Seed was named “Top Gun” in North America, for achieving the highest total sales in 2014.
PGG Wrightson Turf, based in New Zealand and Australia, was named “Top Gun” International, for demonstrating strong sales growth and expansion into new markets and product segments.
Ramy Turf Products won in the “President’s Club” category, for its sustained excellence and growth over a period of several years, while promoting all of Profile’s product categories.
Triton Environmental received the “In the Fast Lane” award for generating the most growth in 2014.
Pennington Seed received the “Ground Assault” award, given to the distributor who best utilizes and promotes and soil testing while also demonstrating agronomic expertise and championing Profile’s ProPlus Prescriptive Agronomic Formulations (PAFs).
The 2014 “All Pro Team” winners – consisting of sales representatives who exemplified outstanding promotion and sales of Profile Engineered and Specified Products (ESPs) – included: John Moss, Construction Eco Services; Jamie Van Fleet, Pennington Seed; Michael Ramy, Ramy Turf Products; Cathy Wall, Quality Seeds; Aaron Schmidt, ACF West; Jerry Schuman, Pennington Seed; Mike Everhart, E.J. Prescott; Matthew Carter, Pennington Seed; Guy Thomas, PGG Wrightson Turf (Australia); and Eddy Colebunders, AWS (Belgium).
“While we recognize these individual companies, Profile Products also salutes our entire distributor network. We are very fortunate to have partnered with the best group of distributors in the industry. It’s always tough to select the best of the best,” Theisen said. “But we look forward to having that same challenge when we make our award selections next year.”
For more information on the products and innovative solutions Profile Products’ distributors represent, visit
About Profile Products
Based in Buffalo Grove, Ill., PROFILE Products LLC offers environmentally sound, site-specific solutions including soil modification, erosion control and plant establishment. As the leading manufacturer of hydraulically-applied mulch and additives, as well as biotic and ceramic conditioners to amend soil, Profile offers on-site solutions and consultation to architects, land planners, contractors, developers and municipalities. Their team of agronomists, engineers and industry experts is supported through a worldwide network of experienced distributors. Profile … Solutions for your Environment. For more information call (800) 508-8681, email [email protected] or visit