Comstock Seed Joins the S & S Seeds Group of Companies
The S & S Seeds Group of Companies announced that is has acquired the assets of Comstock Seed Company and the services of their professional staff Ed Kleiner and Stacey Sigafus. Comstock Seed is a leading seed collector and supplier to Federal, State, and Local projects in Nevada and California, as well as, having close ties in the private sector. Comstock will continue to provide such service throughout the State of Nevada and the Eastern Slope of the Sierra’s in California. Comstock provides unique, site specific and local collections and will compliment nicely the efforts of their sister companies: S & S Seeds, Pacific Coast Seed, Hedgerow Farms, Environmental Seed Producers and Kamprath Seed.
Victor Schaff, President of S & S Seeds, commented, “We are very pleased to be partners with Comstock Seed as this acquisition will allow us to take full advantage of the their expertise to further expand our sales and marketing efforts in California and Nevada.” In addition to an outstanding selection of local seed species, Comstock will now offer a full line of hydraulically applied erosion control materials, slow release fertilizers, and soil mycorrhizae inoculants. “They will be your one-stop-shop for seed and erosion control materials in Nevada and the Eastern California Slope” stated Doug Graham, Assistant General Manager and Product Sales Manager for S & S Seeds. Please give Ed or Stacey a call at 775-265-0090.