Campbell Scientific Offers New EE181 Temperature and Humidity Probe

Jan. 17, 2017
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LOGAN, UTAH–Campbell Scientific, a manufacturer of research-grade measurement instruments for over 42 years, is now offering the accurate, rugged EE181 air-temperature and relative-humidity (RH) probe. It is ideal for low-power, unattended applications requiring outstanding long-term stability and reliability.

The EE181 features a steel-mesh filter and a proprietary coating on the RH element, which increases the life of the element and protects it from dirt, dust, salt, or other contaminants. Excellent results from ongoing field testing worldwide confirm this research-grade instrument is ready for deployment in the harshest environments. The EE181 is compatible with all Campbell Scientific dataloggers, including the new CR300 series.

Campbell Scientific has a reputation as a worldwide leader in measurement instrumentation, and has developed increasingly powerful dataloggers and a comprehensive variety of environmental sensors to satisfy customers’ measurement needs. A wide range of data communication and software options are also available, including secure, cloud-based data retrieval, display, and archiving (Konect GDS).

To learn more about the EE181, or to ask questions of the company’s highly trained technical and sales support team, please visit: